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Congratulatory Remarks to the FY2022 New Employees (Summary)

Fujikura Ltd.
April 1, 2022

I would like to congratulate all of you on joining our company.
Since I took office as president on April 1, and since we have drastically reformed our management system, today is the day we start our new Fujikura. I am very pleased to welcome you as a member of the Fujikura Group on such a day.

Contributing to Society as the Technology Leader

This year marks 138 years since our company was founded in 1885. Since our founding, we have met the expectations of our customers and contributed to the development of society despite the many difficulties we faced.
Under our management philosophy MVCV, our mission is " The Fujikura Group's mission is to create exceptional value for our customers around the world using "Tsunagu" (the Japanese word meaning "connecting") technologies.", We have made many contributions to society and customers, particularly in the fields of information and communications, energy, electronics, and automotive electronics. I believe we have achieved this because our company's DNA, nurtured over its long history, is truly the Fujikura as technology leader. Fujikura believes its purpose is to contribute to society by creating customer value through technology.

To the Continual Metabolization

The environment surrounding our company has changed at a dizzying pace, but the changes we are now facing are even greater and faster. In addition to efforts to reduce carbon emissions in response to environmental problems and changes in the social environment resulting from the digital revolution, the spread of COVID-19 has brought about big changes in our daily behaviors and values. Amid these drastic changes in the business environment, our company is facing a situation in which it cannot survive without fighting and winning in the world. In order to continue to win, we must possess world-class technologies, compared to manufacturers in emerging countries, and we must constantly renew our business to maintain these technologies. All of you who joined the company today are the source of that "metabolization.".

Request to New Employees Who Will Lead the Future

The first is to make efforts to improve oneself. As the environment changes drastically, the fields in which you play an active role are not limited to Japan, but are expanding to the world. In order to become a person who can play an active role on the world stage, it is necessary not only to have knowledge and ability of work and language ability, but also to have a high antenna and a wide perspective. I would like to ask you not to neglect your self-improvement efforts at all times, and not to wait for what you are given, but to think and act on your own every day. I would like you to accumulate these and acquire a professional consciousness and ability.
The second is to believe in and challenge your infinite potential. It's not fun to give up your potential and work while waiting for instructions. You should hit on everything with all your might. The Fujikura Group will make every effort to provide an environment that makes it easy for everyone to work and work. I hope that you will respond to this with high aspirations and a spirit of challenge.

Our company will enter a growth phase in FY2022 as the "New Fujikura.". Let's work together to rebuild the Fujikura of Technology brand, create customer value with the world's best technology, and contribute to society.

Naoki Okada
Director, President and CEO