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About Report

About Report

Integrated Report 2024

Editorial Policy

The Fujikura Group Integrated Report 2023 has been compiled primarily to provide shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders with a multifaceted understanding of the Fujikura Group's efforts toward sustainable growth. Through the disclosure of information in this report and the use of information by those who read it, we aim to promote understanding of our ESG and sustainability initiatives.

Reference Guidelines

  • International Integrated Reporting Framework, The IFRS Foundation
  • GRI Standards, GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)
  • Guidance for Integrated Corporate Disclosure and Company-Investor Dialogue for Collaborative Value Creation, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
  • World Economic Forum ESG Metrics
  • TCFD Guidelines
  • SASB Standard


Scope of Report Coverage

  • Period covered: April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023 (including some content from April 2023 onward)
  • Scope of reporting: Fujikura Ltd. and the Fujikura Group

Further information on business results

Annual Report -Financial Section


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