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Risk Management

Risk Management

In the Fujikura Group, we categorize risks to be managed into risks related to business opportunities (strategic risks) and risks related to execution of business activities (operational risks). Strategic risks are managed by top-level executives from the Board of Directors Meeting and the Executive Management Council, while operational risks are managed by the Risk Management Committee based on the Fujikura Risk Management Rules. Regarding crisis management, we have a system in place to identify and evaluate risks and consider countermeasures, mainly when formulating annual and medium-term management plans for each business division.
Operational risks such as compliance, quality assurance, environmental management, health and safety, and information security are managed on a daily basis by a system centered on specialized organizations such as the Legal Department, Quality Management Center, Environment, Health and Safety Management Center, Human Resource & General Affairs Division, Corporate Communications Division, Information Business System Engineering Division, and Finance & Accounting Department.

The Fujikura Group's risk management policy

Through various risk management activities, the policy is to prevent or minimize the occurrence of losses in the management of the Fujikura Group, build a foundation for sustainable and healthy growth, and maintain and improve corporate value.

Awareness of Important Risks

Fujikura's company-wide risk management system identifies "company-wide important risks" that have a major impact on management and manages risks through the risk management committee and unit responsible for responding.
In detail, "Company-Wide Risks" are managed through risk management activity based on the PDCA cycle: 1. Identify and Assess risks, 2. Identify important/urgent risks, 3. Create and implement risk countermeasures, 4. Monitoring.

Risk PDCA cycle

Initiatives in FY2023

In FY2023, the Risk Management Committee was held three times to consider and discuss the selection and identification of important company-wide risks and their responses and monitoring.

Information Security

The development of an advanced information society has dramatically increased the importance of information in corporate activities and the degree of utilization of information systems. In recent years, risks to electronic information have been increasing, and we recognize that security is one of the most important issues in our corporate activities. The Fujikura Group Information Security Committee, chaired by the officer in charge of the Information Business System Engineering Division, established "the Fujikura Group Basic Principles on Information Security" in 2005 to appropriately protect all information assets handled by the Fujikura Group, and since then has expanded and reviewed policies and regulations related to electronic information security. We will fulfill our social responsibility regarding information security by continuously disseminating and thoroughly complying with these rules to our officers and employees.
Going forward, we will continue to raise the level of information security by further improving information security promotion activities through the steady implementation and establishment of information asset management and information security education. We will ensure the safety of all information assets handled by the Group and aim to be a corporate group that is trusted by society.

Basic Principles on Information Security

  • Fujikura Ltd. and Fujikura Group (hereafter referred to as “this Company”) will tackle ensuring information security, with all the employees united, in order to protect this Company’s information assets from threats including accidents, disasters, and crime, and to live up to the trust of the customers and society, in accordance with the following policy
  • 1. Responsibility of Management This Company, with the management taking the initiative, will make systematic and continuous effort to ensure and improve its information security.
  • 2. Development of In-house System This Company will set up an organization to maintain and improve information security and decides information security measures as official in-house rules.
  • 3. Effort by Employees The employees of this Company will acquire knowledge and skill necessary for ensuring information security and do their best to keep information safe and secure.
  • 4. Compliance with Laws and Ordinances and Contractual Requirements This Company will comply with information security-related laws and ordinances, regulations, norms, and contractual duties and obligations, to live up to the customers’ expectations.
  • 5. Response to Violation and Accidents This Company, if a violation of a law or a contract or an accident concerning information security has occurred, will take measures to prevent recurrence of such violation or accident.

Activities in FY2023

The Fujikura Group Digital Information Security Committee continuously carries out the following main activities to improve employee security awareness and prevent damage.

・We will conduct information security training through e-learning and other means for employees at major domestic and overseas bases to educate and raise awareness of information security measures.
・As a countermeasure against targeted email attacks, we conducted training using pseudo-emails and disseminated accurate countermeasures.
・As a measure to prevent damage, we conducted vulnerability assessments for devices connected to the Internet and rectified areas idetified.
・Introduction of an EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) system that monitors the behavior of information terminals such as PCs and blocks unauthorized external communications instead of conventional anti-virus software, etc. …

In addition, we conduct emergency preparedness activities centered on the CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team), which was established with the aim of minimizing the impact on business operations and customers due to security incidents. 
We plan to continue implementing these measures in the future.

Tax Transparency

With operations taking place globally, the Fujikura Group prepares to comply with tax rules by constantly gathering BEPS*3 information and concluding consulting agreements with licensed tax accountants. Following the BEPS project on international taxation and pursuant to Japans’ revised tax system of FY2016, we submitted our master file for tax year 2016, the initial fiscal year of application, along with tax reports for each country where we operate, to the tax authorities. Since FY2017, we have been preparing local files for each applicable transaction.
*3 BEPS stands for Base Erosion and Profit Shifting. It indicates actions of multinational corporations to shift profits to Group companies located in a country with a lower tax rate to reduce tax burden.