Fujikura Ltd.

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Awareness as a Company that Uses Natural Capital

The Fujikura Group is keenly aware of the close relationship between its business activities and the global environment, and has set the goal of being a corporate group that is good for both people and the environment and strives to make every effort to protect the global environment. All living things live by mutually supporting one another either directly or indirectly, and our lives and lifestyles are supported by the many blessings generated through biodiversity.

Use of Natural Resources

  • Energy resources: oil, natural gas, coal, etc.
  • Mineral resources: cupper, aluminium, iron, tin, etc.
  • Renewal resources: water, wood, etc.

Impacts on Biodiversity

  • Air pollution:
    - Exhaust gas's impacts on ecosystem in the neighborhood
    - Biological effects by chemical materials emitted to the air in the neighborhood
  • Water contamination:
    - Exhaust gas's impacts on ecosystem in lower reaches
    - Biological effects by thermal discharge in lower reaches
    - Impacts on ecosystem by eutrophication
  • Climate change:
    - Impacts on ecosystem by climate change
    - Acceleration of reduction of the number of living species
  • Habitat loss:
    - Use of lands by constructing plants
  • Reduction of the number of living species:
    - Reduction of living species by climate change
  • Move of living species:
    - Reduction of living species by climate change

Activities to Prevent Even Greater Impacts on Biodiversity

The Fujikura Group has managed environmental aspects (factors) concerning business activities and carries out activities to curb increased impacts on biodiversity.

The Fujikura Group's Guidelines on Biodiversity Conservation

The Fujikura Group formulated “the Fujikura Group’s Guidelines on Biodiversity”and “Roadmap 2030: A Long-Term Vision for Biodiversity” in January 2013 and is pursuing initiatives aimed at increasing awareness of protecting biodiversity.

Implementation of the Fujikura Group's Roadmap 2030: A Long-Term Vision for Biodiversity

We constructed the Fujikura-Kiba Millennium Woods bio-garden in November of 2010, as part of the redevelopment of the headquarters district located in Koto Ward, Tokyo. The forest is Fujikura's current flagship biodiversity project.

In 2013, we created a roadmap up to 2030 and proposed the establishment of a satoyama park as a way to utilize green spaces owned by each of the Fujikura Group’s business sites, in order to spread biodiversity conservation initiatives across the entire Group.

Biological Diversity Road Map 2030

Certified as Good Green Space under the Edo Green Space Registration Program

The Fujikura-Kiba Millennium Woods bio-garden has been recognized as a good green area under the Edo-Midori Green Area Registration, a newly established system by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
The system established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in September 2017, registers native species as an initiative to restore the environment suitable to Tokyo’s biodiversity, including wildlife such as insects and birds, by p planting vegetation (native species) naturally distributed in Tokyo on the premises of buildings, etc. As a result, the Fujikura-Kiba Millennium Woods became the first location to be registered as an good green space under this new system.
Looking ahead, we will cooperate with Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s initiatives to encourage the planting of native species and strive to make Fujikura-Kiba Millennium Woods a part of community activities.

"Green space of Edo's green registration" LOGO

Participation in biodiversity-related organizations and certification as a nature symbiotic site by the Ministry of the Environment

The Fujikura Group participates in the Ministry of the Environment's Biodiversity 30 by 30 Alliance, supports Keidanren's Biodiversity Declaration Initiative, and promotes the conservation and improvement of biodiversity.
Fujikura-Kiba Millennium Woods (green space on the premises of Fukagawa Gatharia W3 Building) has been designated as a “Nationally Certified Sustainably Managed Natural Site” by the Ministry of the Environment in the Second Half of 2023.

Initiatives at Sakura Works

Fujikura-Sakura Millennium Woods Project

Fujikura’s Sakura Works established the Fujikura-Sakura Millennium Woods Project in November 2016 from the perspectives of the Fujikura Group's Roadmap 2030: A Long-Term Vision for Biodiversity and the activities of employee health management based on the Group's health management declaration. Under this project, Sakura Works is examining ways of using the vibrant natural green spaces found onsite.
In this project, a vegetation survey was conducted by a specialist biodiversity consultant, and a zoning plan for the Millennium Woods was created. Based on this, we have promoted the greening of green lands, such as protecting rare plants, cutting down dense trees, planting native species, and improving walking paths. Through these activities, a green area of ​​about 32,000 m2 was created as the “Fujikura-Sakura Millennium Woods”. The woods is also being used for employee training, promoting the health of employees, and improving the community with neighbors, such as “Searching for woods and potato digging events” for employee families.
In recent years, we have been unable to hold events that gather large numbers of people due to the spread of the covid-19 infection, but we have continued to hold potato-digging competitions for employees only. We have also created a ‟flower bed for everyone“ and are enjoying planting raspberries and Clematis florida that have been requested by many employees. We plan to continue holding events that employees and their families can enjoy.

Potato digging event

Walking path covered in woodchips

Features of the Fujikura Sakura Millennium Woods Project

Participation in the Chiba Network of Companies for Biodiversity Conservation

Sakura Works participates in the Chiba network of companies for biodiversity conservation as part of the Fujikura Group’s biodiversity conservation efforts. The network is constituted in 23 companies and 10 organization. We have shared some information by stocking public relations Magazines in the Sakura Works cafeteria and posting them on the intranet.