FAQ Below are questions frequently asked by investors and our responses. Financial Information Q When does the fiscal year of Fujikura end? A March 31 every year. Q When are the financial statements for an ended fiscal year announced? A Please refer to the IR Calendar. Q Where can I find the most recent business results? A Please refer to the Financial Highlights. Q Please tell us about your business vision for the future. A In May 2023, we announced the “2025 Mid-term Management Plan,” which ends in FY2025. For details, please refer to the mid-term management plan . A Are your financial results briefing materials available to the public? Please refer to the Financial Results. If you want the materials to be mailed to you, please click here. Q Is your annual report available to the public? A Please download the Annual Report from the Investor Relations section of this website. If you want the Annual Report mailed to you, please click here. We also publish an integrated report, which includes financial and non-financial information. Please refer to the “Integrated Report”. Q If your financial statements available to the public? A Please refer to the Financial Statements here.(Japanese only) Q Are your past financial results materials available to the public? A Please refer to the Financial Results. Stock Information Q What is the stock code of Fujikura Ltd.? A It is 5803. Q Which is the unit of stock transaction? A It is 100 shares. Q How may shares have you issued? A Please refer to the Stock Information. Q Do you offer special benefit programs (complimentary tickets, etc.) for shareholders? A No, we do not offer special benefit programs for shareholders. Q When was your stock listed in the 1st Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange? A May 1949. Q Where can I make inquiries about procedures for stock-related matters such as transfer of ownership? A Please contact the Stock Transfer Agent Center, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank at: Izumi 2-8-4, Suginami-ku, Tokyo Japan, or Japanese toll free number 0120-782-031. → to Procedures for Stock-related Matters of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Dividend Q How much is your dividend? A Please refer to the Dividend Information. Q What are the dates of record for payout of dividends to the stockholders? (Date on which the company looks at its records to see who the shareholders of the company are. An investor must be listed as a holder of record to ensure the right of a dividend payout.) A Every year on March 31 and September 30. General Meeting of Shareholders Q When is the General Meeting of Shareholders held? A The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is held in late June every year. Please refer to the IR Calendar. Environment Q What kinds of measures do you take to preserve and improve the environment? A At Fujikura, we are tackling the conservation of the global environment at the corporate level based on a fundamental commitment to enriching the quality of life and happiness of people everywhere through the efforts of everyone in the Fujikura Group. For details, please refer to the Integrated Report. Corporate Governance Q What is your approach to corporate governance? A With the aim of enhancing the corporate value of Fujikura and fulfilling our responsibilities to every stakeholder including shareholders, Fujikura constantly strives to build and perfect our corporate governance systems and structure. For details, please refer to Corporate Governance. Others Q When was Fujikura established? A 1885. For details, please refer to the "Sentetsu-no-heya"(Brief History of Fujikura). Q What is the management philosophy of Fujikura? A At Fujikura, we have formulated the "Mission - Vision - Core Values (MVCV)" to serve as our management philosophy and are tackling the implementation of "change" in the corporate climate through the unified efforts of Fujikura Ltd. and all our group companies. We also adopted the corporate signature of "Tsunagu (connection) Technology - connecting you with the future" to express our objective of creating new value for customers and contributing to society through "Tsunagu" technology. For more information, please refer to the Management Philosophy of Fujikura Ltd.