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Occupational Safety and Health

Fujikura Group Basic Principles for Safety and Health

Fujikura Group Occupational Health and Safety Policy(Established on 1 April, 2021)

Occupational health and safety management is the basis of all our activities, as well as an important corporate foundation and corporate value itself.
The management and all employees of the Fujikura Group will place the highest priority on safety in work practices and work on creating a safe and comfortable work environment, maintaining and enhancing mental and physical health. (The basic principle has been translated into English, Thai, Chinese, Spanish, and German as well as Japanese, and is being rolled out to group companies.)

In this regard, the Fujikura Group will implement the following:

April 1, 2021
Fujikura Ltd.
President & CEO

Promotion System of Occupational Safety and Health Activities

The Board of Directors oversees risks in the safety and health activities of the Fujikura Group. The president and representative director oversees the operations, and the EHS Management Center works to strengthen group governance and improve health and safety management.

Fujikura Group Promotion System of Occupational Safety and Health Activities

Establishment of Safety Pledge Day

In response to the serious accidents that occurred at our domestic affiliates in April 2016, we have established April 11, the day of the accidents, as the "Safety Pledge Day" for the Fujikura Group, as a day for all Fujikura Group employees to pledge their strong commitment to safety to "never cause another serious accident". In addition, we issued the "Safety Pledge" on the same day. On the same day every year, the "Day of Safety Pledge" (message from the president) is distributed to all Fujikura Group companies in Japan and overseas to renew the pledge.

Our Safety Pledge

Intrinsic Safety and Risk Assessment

In health and safety management, proactive activities such as risk assessment are positioned as important activities to reduce occupational accidents. since 2016, we have been continuing these activities in a common way across the Fujikura Group, including overseas, and they have become established as activities with a sense of unity regardless of the nature of the business or the size of the site The activities have become firmly established as a unified activity, regardless of the nature of the business or the size of the site. For the identified risks, risk reduction activities are conducted based on the concept of intrinsic safety. All risks are managed and analyzed in a database system and used to promote risk reduction activities.
The number of risks, which initially exceeded 33,000 at the start of the aggregation, has increased by approximately 50% to over 49,000 as of the end of March 2023 (including risks that have become acceptable). This increase can be attributed to the reevaluation of risks that were initially estimated to be low, leading to a recognition of the need for risk reduction and an increase in examples that contribute to improvement.
We will continue to strengthen our activities to identify potential risks and reduce all risks to an acceptable level. We believe that this is a never-ending activity with the goal of fostering a culture of safety based on the common issue of "making all risks at an acceptable level.

Introduction of Occupational Health and Safety Management System

We have been operating an OHSMS (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) since FY2010, and acquired certification for the Occupational Health and Safety Management System standard (ISO 45001 - 2018) in FY2022 within the framework of integrating the head office and each business site. We will effectively incorporate the requirements of the standard into the improvement of operations and efficiency of each business, and operate the management system so that we can make continuous improvements toward building and fostering a mutually enlightening safety culture in which all employees can proactively point out each other's dangerous behaviors and so on.
*OHSMS: Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Safety and Health Slogan and Activities

Fiscal Year 2023 Health and Safety Slogan

"Let's activate two-way communication and create a safe and secure workplace that is easier to work in!"

To activate and sustain our occupational health and safety activities, the slogan "two-way communication" is of utmost importance. While this phrase may be commonly used, it signifies the need for everyone to take proactive action rather than relying on others or being passive. Even taking a small step forward is acceptable. Let's lead by example and maximize vertical and horizontal connections.
Under this slogan, let's work together as a group to align the following key initiatives with the challenges specific to each base, aiming to create a safe and comfortable workplace environment and promote physical and mental health.  Excerpt from the CEO's message.

Major Activities of FY2022

The EHS Control Center conducts periodic health and safety inspections at all Group company sites to check health and safety management activities, identify risks, and provide various types of guidance.
To ensure comprehensive understanding of activities at each site, we have implemented a system using EHS survey forms to collect information on compliance with laws and regulations. This system is also effectively utilized during safety and health inspections. In fiscal 2022, although some meetings were held remotely due to the impact of the new coronavirus infection, we held the event at approximately 70 group companies and bases in Japan and overseas (30 bases visited).
Furthermore, we are conducting activities to enhance safety awareness and improve the skills of all employees working at Fujikura and its group companies, with the aim of fostering a culture of safety at Fujikura.In fiscal 2022, as part of these activities, we held Seminar on Regulatory Amendments Related to Chemical Substance Management, as well as hazard simulation training.
The Fujikura Group Safety and Health Conference is held twice a year to align the direction of such activities, communicate messages from management, and provide an opportunities to share various kinds of information and discuss them among team members.

ccurrence of Occupational Accidents at Fujikura (non-consolidated)

FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Fujikura 0.18 0 0.34 0.37 0 0.38
Wire and cable manufacturing industry 0.65 0.87 0.23 0.92 0.57 1.14
Manufacturing industry 1.02 1.2 1.2 1.21 1.31 1.25
Source: Overview of labor accident trend survey (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)

Disasters Prevention Activities

Basic Principles and Policies

The Fujikura Group established its business continuity policies in March 2012, and also formulated the business continuity master plan as well as the plan to maintain a functioning headquarters for business continuity.

The Fujikura Group Business Continuity Policy (Established in March 2012)

In line with the following principles, we will foster business continuity management (BCM) so that we can continue to fulfill our corporate social responsibility and supply our products and services in a stable manner even in the event of an emergency.

Group Emergency Management Headquarters Drill

On January 12, 2022, a Group Disaster Response Headquarters drill was conducted. This drill is an exercise in the form of problem solving and aims to share the awareness of the Group Disaster Response Headquarters and qualitatively improve the ability to respond to disasters by simulating actions for response to disasters.
This year, we confirmed the action procedures/judgment criteria of the Group Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters based on the assumption that an earthquake directly hitting the Tokyo metropolitan area would occur. Afterward, specialists evaluated the drill and confirmed checks and actions to further improve the Group's Business Continuity Plan (BCP).

Headquarters Disaster Countermeasure Training

On March 16, 2023, a disaster headquarters drill was conducted at the head office. The purpose of the drill was to ensure that the disaster information gathering and system would function effectively by actually performing the initial response to the establishment of a disaster headquarters at the head office in the event of an earthquake directly under the Tokyo metropolitan area.
The drill starts with the gathering of all task force members after the occurrence of the earthquake. Through this training, participants will confirm and learn how to quickly assemble each team member, quickly set up the equipment necessary for the headquarters to function, and start up the equipment.
At the disaster response headquarters, we collect information such as confirming the safety of employees, the status of buildings and infrastructure, and surrounding traffic conditions, and experience the difficulty and importance of organizing information by considering countermeasures for various problems that occur. and identify issues for future improvement.
After the drill, we share the issues and reflections from each group and use them to improve individual procedure manuals.

Disaster Drill at Head Office

The 2022 disaster prevention drill was conducted as a web drill, similar to last year, in consideration of the impact of COVID-19. Specifically, they watched a video to learn about in-house disaster prevention activities and initial response concepts in light of the coronavirus pandemic and post-corona pandemic, as well as a training video by the Tokyo Fire Department.

Stair Evacuation Vehicle Training

If elevators stop working due to a fire or earthquake, disabled or injured employees must use the stairs to evacuate to the upper floors of the building.
Fujikura's head office has installed "stair evacuation aids" so that employees can evacuate safely and quickly even in such situations.
Due to the impact of the new coronavirus infection, the 2022 employee training course on evacuation equipment has been canceled, but we are planning to hold a training course in 2023.

Safety Confirmation System and the "Disaster Control Card" which can be carried by Employees

Based on the idea that individual employees are important assets for Fujikura, we are implementing a range of disaster control measures against large Nankai Trough earthquakes as well as inland earthquakes in the metropolitan area, all of which are predicted to occur in the near future. The disaster control measures include the distribution of "disaster control cards," which employees are expected to carry, and the operation of the safety confirmation system.

Safety Confirmation System

Since 2010, Fujikura has introduced a safety confirmation system to confirm the safety of employees and their families in the event of a disaster. The information gathered by this system is promptly reported to top management and utilized in our BCP.

"Disaster Control Card" which can be carried by Employees

The Fujikura distributes disaster control cards to employees. To help employees protect themselves in the event of a disaster, the card contains information on items that are essential for the protection of their lives, such as actions to be taken in each region during a large earthquake, a checklist to prepare for disasters, and responses to be made with regard to the safety confirmation system.

Anti-Disaster Activities at each Works

At the Sakura works, we conducted a comprehensive disaster prevention drill in the Sakura area on September 21, 2022.
This year, assuming the occurrence of an earthquake with a seismic intensity of 5 or higher, we conducted the first to third evacuation drills and training to report personnel and damage status to headquarters. In addition, voluntary training was conducted at each workplace, including training on using fire extinguishers, loading sandbags, and using AEDs. Furthermore, at 7:00 pm on the same day, we conducted a training session on the safety confirmation system.

At the Suzuka works, we conducted a comprehensive disaster prevention drill on October 12, 2022.
For the first time in three years, workplace representatives conducted a general evacuation, reaffirming that everyone at the workplace can act appropriately. We will continue to strive to improve our behavioral training and supplies during normal times so that we can respond calmly to emergencies and unexpected situations.

At the Numazu works, we conducted a disaster prevention drill on September 28, 2022, hypothesizing an earthquake.
In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus, we conducted drills up to the first stage of evacuation this year as well, confirming emergency measures, evacuation actions, and information transmission. Additionally, after the training was completed, disaster prevention education was provided on how to stack sandbags and the alert level at final treatment plants before discharging into rivers, in response to the rapid increase in heavy rain damage in recent years. I would like to continue to prepare for emergencies through training.