FHM Series Contact us here for inquiries. contact us Features Ordering Information Specifications Features Horizonral pressure port Weight : 0.6grams Ordering Information Measurable pressure range(kPa) Part number -13.79~13.79 FHM-02PG FHM-02PGR -34.47~34.47 FHM-05PG FHM-05PGR -48.26~48.26 FHM-07PG FHM-07PGR -98.07~103.4 FHM-15PG FHM-15PGR -98.07~206.8 FHM-30PG FHM-30PGR -98.07~344.7 FHM-50PG FHM-50PGR -98.07~482.6 FHM-70PG FHM-70PGR -98.07~827.4 FHM-120PG FHM-120PGR Specifications Model 02PG 05PG 07PG 15PG 30PG 50PG 70PG 120PG Unit Recommended operating conditions Pressure type Gauge pressure - Rated pressure 13.79 34.47 48.26 103.4 206.8 344.7 482.6 827.4 kPa Measurable pressure range -13.79~13.79 -34.47~34.47 -48.26~48.26 -98.07~103.4 -98.07~206.8 -98.07~344.7 -98.07~482.6 -98.07~827.4 kPa Temperature range 0~50 °C Pressure media Non-corrosive gases only(No liquid) - Excitation current(Constant) 1.5 mADC Absolute maximum rating Maximum load pressure Twice of rated pressure 1.5 timesof ratingpressure - Maximum excitation current 3.0 mADC Operating temperature -20~100 °C Storage temperature -40~120 °C Operating humidity 30~80(Non dew condition) %RH Electric characteristics(Drive Current 1.5mA constant, ambient temperature Ta=25°C) Output span voltage 60~140(at 0kPa~rated pressure) mV Offset voltage ±20(at 0kPa) mV Bridge resistance 4000~6000 Ω Response time 2(for the reference) msec Accuracy TSO* ±5 %FS/0~50°C TCS* 2.5 Linearity ±0.5 ±0.3 ±0.5 ±0.6 %FS Pressure hysteresis ±0.4 ±0.2 ±0.4 %FS *TSO:Temperature sensitivity of offset voltage *TCS:Temperature coefficient of output span voltage *Temperature range from 0-50 deg C Contact us here for inquiries. contact us