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Fujikura Group CSR

Sustainability Management

The Fujikura Group conducts its CSR activities based on its mission statement in the Corporate Philosophy MVCV, which is to help customers create value and contribute to society through its "Tsunagu" technologies. To earn trust from society, we are conducting CSR activities based on ISO 26000, which is the international standard on social responsibility.

Fujikura Group CSR Philosophy, Basic Policy, Activity Guidelines

Fujikura Group CSR Philosophy

Fujikura Group believes that the corporate social responsibilities the Group should follow are comprised of activities required for sustainable corporate management and activities for the establishment of a sustainable society, based on Fujikura Group's Corporate Philosophy (MVCV).

Fujikura Group CSR Basic Principles

Fujikura Group aims to serve as a bridge to an affluent future for people, society and the global environment through "Tsunagu" Technologies by becoming a company that serves the anticipated growth and development of society. We have established the following four focus areas to fulfill our social responsibilities in all aspects of our corporate activities so that each and every employees will comply with the relevant laws and regulations of every country or region we operate in as well as international rules and social norms; become aware of his or her own role as a member of society, and act according to good social sense.

1. Sincere corporate activities
2. Concern for the environment
3. Respect for people
4. In harmony with society

Fujikura Group Activity Guidelines

Activities Supporting the UN Global Compact

Following a decision made by its CSR Committee (Management Committee) in July 2013, Fujikura Ltd. announced its support to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), which outlines the universal and international principles on human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. Currently, we acquire the latest information through participation in the subcommittee, and are promoting penetration within the company, such as developing into internal divisions.

Participating subcommittees

  • CSV Subcommittee
  • SDGs Subcommittee
  • Anti-Corruption subcommittee
  • Human Rights Due Diligence subcomittee
  • GC's Internal Penetration Research Subcommittee
  • Supply Chain Subcommittee
  • Environmental Management Subcommittee

Awareness-Raising Activities Conducted to Steadily Implement the UNGC

Actor Description of the Activity
President of Fujikura The president explains the significance of the UNGC in the following speeches:
- Speeches made in educational seminars for new employees
- Speeches addressed to employees of Fujikura and other Group companies
- Speeches addressed to suppliers
CSR Committee The CSR Committee is working to raise employees' awareness through the following:
- Educational seminars for new employees
- CSR education provided to employees
-Awareness-raising campaign held every September
- Dispatch of information to employees on the intranet
- Creation of a comparison table between the Ten Principles and the Group's activities
Procurement department At the partners' meeting held by the procurement department, participating suppliers are briefed on the UNGC.
- The president and director in charge formulate explanations about the UNGC in the meeting.

Respect for Keidanren "Charter of Corporate Behavior"

Fujikura respects the "Charter of Corporate Behavior" and the "Table of Contents of Implementation Guidance on Charter of Corporate Behavior" (7th edition) revised in November 2017 as a member company of the Japan Business Federation Federation.

We are aiming to realize a sustainable society by contributing toward achieving SDGs and promoting management with consideration of ESG.

Sustainability Promotion System

The Fujikura group's CSR management promotion system is composed mainly of the Fujikura Group CSR Committee chaired by the president and the working team of the CSR Committee chaired by managing directors as a subordinate organization.

The Fujikura Group CSR Committee establishes Fujikura and the Group's annual policy and sets medium- to long-term targets. As a promotion secretariat, the CSR Committee Working Team promotes CSR activities in collaboration with each company and domestic and overseas group companies, Aggregate activity results and extract tasks.

Sustainability Management Structure