Fujikura Ltd.

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Labor Practices

Work-Life Balance

Basic Principles / Guidelines

The Fujikura Group is working on the issue of work-life balance based on the following two sets of principles and guidelines. One is the "Fujikura Group Activity Guidelines", the other is the "Criteria for the management of employees' health and safety and for ethical considerations".

Creation of Comfortable Workplaces

The Fujikura Group is committed to providing employees with comfortable workplaces based on the Fujikura Group CSR Activity Guidelines, which states, "Secure the safety of all people involved in Fujikura Group's corporate activities, while maintaining a comfortable work environment and striving to improve it."

Measures to Ensure Appropriate Working Hours

Fujikura Ltd. works to ensure appropriate working hours as one of its extremely important management issues that will help improve the value of the company and its human capital. The entire Group is making a concerted effort to this end. In June 2014 we documented the Group's policies on appropriate working hours and have been conducting related activities regarding the following as the three pillars of these policies.

  • (1) Share awareness of problems and ensure compliance with related rules across the company
    (2) Enhance the follow-up system
    (3) Review the work environment

Fujikura Group Management of Adequate Working Hours Activity Policy

The Fujikura group proactively addresses Management of adequate working hours activities, such as institutional and organizational climate reforms, etc., in order to create the environment where diverse human resources can demonstrate their abilities to the utmost, and to realize the enhancement of corporate value.

Promotion of Work-Life Balance and Work Environment Improvements

Fujikura is working on environmental improvements to make work-life balance a reality; in doing so, we hope that each of our employees can choose a flexible method of working appropriate to their stage in life at the time. For example, we expanded our childcare leave system in January 2010, ahead of regulatory requirements due to enforcement of the revised Act on the Welfare of Workers Who Take Care of Children or Other Family Members Including Child Care and Family Care Leave. Our expansions included abolition of the exclusion on housewives (or husbands) and enabling reacquisition of secondary childcare leave for fathers. In doing so, we have continued our steady progress toward harmonizing work and life, according to each employee's current stage in life.

This progress is not bound by gender, and we currently have five male employees on childcare leave. Fujikura has compiled details on our childcare and family care system alongside related regulations in our "Childcare and Family Care Support Handbook" in January 2010, and then distributed the handbook to system users, their superiors, and numerous others. This is another part of our efforts to deepen understanding of the system among all employees. We have achieved our third General Employer's Action Plan through these efforts, according to the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.

Furthermore, we also received Kurumin recognition from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a "Business That Supports Childcare" in June 2011. We similarly obtained the highest level of "Eruboshi" certification (3 stars) in recognition of our efforts to support the advancement of women. In other fields, we are working to make environmental improvements, and efforts include the introduction of a telecommuting system.

FY2016 Main Efforts (Fujikura)

[FY2016 Plans and Results]

Plans Activity Results
Environmental Improvements for Work Style Improvement
-Telecommuting System Trials
-Promotion of Efforts to Reduce Total Hours Worked
-Raising Awareness of System Using Company Intranet, Inter-company Newsletter
-Implementation of telecommuting trials
-Reduction of upper limit time of special clause of 36 Agreements (100 hours to 80 hours)
-Acquisition acceleration (moving toward total acquisition) of 5-day continuous leave (length of service leave)
-Implementation of work hour management e-learning
-Implementation of Improve Work Style Day (Premium Friday)
-Revision to the Childcare and Family Care Support Handbook
-Point-cost revision of cafeteria plan for child care and elder care support good purchases, and rental assistance

[Maternity Leave Acquisition, Child-Care Leave Acquisition] (Fujikura)

FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016
Number of Maternity Leave Acquisitors (people) 16 17 24 18
Number of Child-Care Leave Acquisitors (people) Acquisition Rate(%) 39
Restoration Rate of Child-Care Leave Acquisitors (%) 100 100 100 100

[Family Health Care Leave Acquisition] (Fujikura)

FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016
Number of Acquisitors (people) 1 0 0 0

[Paid Holiday Acquisition] (Fujikura)

FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016
Ratio of Paid Holiday Acquisition (%) 51.6 56.0 53.3 55.8

[Other Related Data]

Mar. 2015 Mar. 2016 Mar. 2017
The Average Age of Employees (years old) Total Employees 40.8 40.9 40.5
Male Employees 41.2 41.2 40.8
Female Employees 38.3 38.5 38.2

The systems supporting work-life balance in our Company are indicated in the 6th version of the General Business Owners Action Plan.
The key points are listed below.

  • 1. Pregnancy support and childbirth support
    2. Childcare support
    3. Nursing care support
    4. Vacation/work leave system
    5. Working style support
In addition, we have tools to educate on and disseminate the systems and supports mentioned above.

Support System for Work-Life Balance

Item Fujikura Programs and Initiatives
Law for Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation and our Action Plan 2016, 2nd acquisition of "Kurumin" certification.
Act to Advance Women’s Success in Their
Working Life and our Action Plan
March 2017, acquisition of the highest level (3 stars) of "Eruboshi" certification by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Given to businesses in recognition of their support for the advancement of women.
Item Fujikura Programs and Initiatives
Childcare Leave Period Until child is 3 years of age.
Childcare Leave Usage Can be reapplied when the father applies within 8 weeks following birth of child.
Salary during Childcare Leave Non-paid.
Bonuses partly deducted and paid.
Period for Short Working Hours System Until child finishes Grade 3 of elementary school (until 10 years of age)
Period for Short Working Hours /
Change in Working Hours
Change to short working hours / work start and end periods permitted once annually in accordance to changes in family situation.
Childcare Period At least 30 minutes twice a day until child is 1 year of age, with paid salary.
Overtime Work and Holiday Work Exemption Until child finishes Grade 3 of elementary school (until 10 years of age).
Restrictions on Overtime Work Until child finishes Grade 3 of elementary school (until 10 years of age).
Restrictions on Late Night Work Same as above; not applicable if there is a cohabitant 16 years of age. or older.
Nursing Care Leave Five days for each child until the beginning of elementary school enrollment;
10 days if 2 children or more; can be set as non-paid.
Promotion of Childcare Leave
Use by Fathers
Three days allowed within a week after childbirth.
Expense Support The points are doubled for the Childcare Support Service’s cafeteria plan.
Expectant Mothers Support Maternity and
Childbirth Leave
6 weeks before childbirth; 8 weeks after childbirth.
Other Equal Employment Opportunity Law; Maternal hospital visitation leave.
1. Once every four weeks until the 23rd week of pregnancy.
2. Once every two weeks from the 24th to 35th week of pregnancy.
3. Once a week from the 36th week of pregnancy to childbirth.
Career Formation Support
(Distance Education)
Distance education available during childcare leave for free.
(On condition of completion of the course with excellent)
Career Formation Support
(Interview with those on Childcare Leave)
Encourage distance education during childcare leave.
(Can be taken for free)
Support for Smooth Return to Work
(Provision of company information)
-Intranet browsing available for employees taking childcare leave.
-In-house bulletin also delivered to the home of employees taking childcare leave.
-During childcare leave, approval for sessions with supervisors/confirmation on current workplace situations held.
Implementation of a Re-employment System Job return system
(Re-employment system aimed at helping those who retired unavoidably due to childbirth/childcare circumstances)
Item Fujikura Programs and Initiatives
Family Care Caregiving Leave Period and Usage Total of one year per individual family member, once per occurence of conditions necessitating nursing care arise.
Work Hour Reduction Total of one year per individual family member.
Exemptions on Overtime Work Total of one year per individual family member.
Restrictions on Overtime Work Depending on the application, exemptions from overtime for over 24 hours in one month or 150 hours in one year.
Restrictions on Late Night Work Period greater than 1 month up to 6 months per request with no limit on number of requests.
Not applicable if there is a cohabitant 16 years of age or older.
Caregiving Leave Five days for each family member or 10 days for 2 or more family members requiring caregiving.
Expense Support The points are doubled for the Family Care Support Service’s cafeteria plan.
Use of Retention Leave for Caregiving Retention leave usable during caregiving leave, with a 50-day limit.
Item Fujikura Programs and Initiatives
Review of Working Styles Promotion of Paid Vacation use Two days annually as universal fixed days for paid vacation use.
Higher Usage of Half-Day Paid Leave Twenty days (40 half-days) permitted for half-day usage during the annual period for paid leave calculation.
Reduction of Total Actual Working Hours We are implementing plans to reduce total hours worked through the establishment of the "Fujikura Group Work Hour Optimization Guidelines," and reevaluating the special clauses of 36 Agreements.
Telework Telecommuting: Implementation of telecommuting (work-from-home) trials. Preparing for official introduction.
Special Leave for Long Service
(My Holiday System)
Five consecutive days can be taken for five years of service (10 days for 30 years of continuous employment).
Flextime Work Recognition of flexible working style fixed to core time (10 AM to 3 PM) and flexible time (7 AM to 10 AM, 3 PM to 7 PM).
Super Flextime Recognition of “core time”-less flextime, depending on actual situation within department.
Refreshment Leave Three consecutive days of holiday allowed for purpose of refreshment, etc.
Flexible Work Hours System entrusting work hours to the set by individuals for those involved in research and development, etc.
Volunteer Leave Allow use of leave within retention leave (system allowing accumulation of effective paid vacation by up to 100 days) for volunteering and services to the community.
Item Fujikura Programs and Initiatives
Improved Awareness of Working Conditions during and Following Childcare Leave Interviews conducted before commencement of childcare leave; explanation of related systems.
Training and Awareness of Systems and Statutory Benefits Creation and publication of handbook for childbirth and caregiving.
  • "Retention leave" refers to a system in which employees can accumulate a maximum of 100 days of regular leave that will expire in the current annual leave period; the accumulation can occur from two years ago and will be carried over. This leave may be used in certain situations in adherence to the regulations, including volunteer participation, family caregiving, and during a period in which the employee recovers from illness.

Kurumin Certification

Kurumin Certification

In February 2016, the Company received a Notification Certifying a General Employer’s Conformity to Standards based on the Law for Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation from the director of the Tokyo Labor Bureau. With this, we have transformed our current certification into a Next Generation Certification Mark (common called a “Kurumin” mark), which is given to enterprises that support childcare. The Company has begun to use this mark on things like brochures, on its business cards.

The Kurumin certification system allows companies to be certified by the Minister of Labor (delegated to prefectural labor bureau directors) and be defined as an “enterprise supporting parenting” through the accomplishment of certain objectives, such as those set out in relevant action plans. A certified employer can then use the Next Generation Mark (nickname: Kurumin) to promote itself as a company that supports parenting and childcare.

  • “Kurumin” is a reference to the Japanese word for a baby’s swaddle, “o-kurumi.” The word also refers to the idea of “encompassing,” like in the word “kaisha-gurumi” (literally meaning, “society-encompassing”).

Joining IkuBoss Business Federation

Joining IkuBoss Business Federation

We joined the "IkuBoss Business Alliance," sponsored by the NPO Fathering Japan (Representative Director: Tetsuya Ando, "FJ" below) on November 15th, 2016 in an effort to promote diversity and work way reforms.

Furthermore, Fujikura's President Ito announced the group's intention of joining the IkuBoss Business Alliance at a signing ceremony attended by FJ director Ando, also sparking this notice.

  • What is the IkuBoss Business Alliance?
    In an age where employee lifestyles are diversifying, with increased participation by women and more employed fathers who help with child-rearing (Iku-men), the IkuBoss Business Alliance is a business network that knows we need for "Iku-bosses" (bosses who support child care by employees). The IkuBoss Alliance wants active improvement of management ideas for companies, and wants to educate a new generation of ideal bosses and IkuBosses. Joining allows us to participate in FJ-sponsored business alliance information exchange meetings, study meetings, and IkuBoss training lectures.

Improve Work Style Day

"Improve Work Style Day" is a day for reviewing old work habits and styles, and we will be implementing the following primary efforts during the day.

  • What is Time Difference Biz?
    The "Time Difference Biz" of Tokyo is a movement which aims to ease rush hour traffic in anticipation of a large number of tourists arriving for the opening of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. It also one of the key work style improvements that will relieve stress and fatigue for people riding full trains, allowing mental and physical recovery and improving productivity as a result.

Activities to Enhance Employee Incentives

In order to create an environment in which diverse human resources can fully exercise their abilities and realize enhanced corporate value, the Group has in place activities to enhance employee incentives as well as systems to support those activities. Among them is a proposal system established by our first President, Tomekichi Matsumoto; even now, his system is in active application.

[Table of Systems]

  System Outline System Explanation
1 Incentive System for Acquisition of Qualification/Skills A system that provides support for distance education
2 In-house recruitment system A system that allows employees to apply to posted job openings on the company intranet
3 Domestic Exchange Studies System A system for dispatching employees engaged in research and development to postgraduate school (doctoral-level studies)
4 President’s Award System A system that gives awards/incentives to employees/groups that contribute to improving performance, etc.
5 Patent Meister System A system for rewarding the employees with the most patents
6 Proposal Award System A system for the recognition of excellence in proposals
7 Career Support System A system implementing general work training and interviews targeting promoted employees
8 Master Certification System A system for “takumi” (master) designation of tech employees who demonstrate an exceptional degree of proficiency in technologies that can be passed down
9 Overseas Internal Transference System A system to allow for human resources at bases across the Group to work at the Fujikura headquarters and elsewhere as part of global human resource development
10 Special Research Fellow (Special Researcher) Certification System A system for supporting those with stellar academic evaluations who have demonstrated both laudable personal characteristics and predominant expertise in research and development
11 Vacation Rollover System A system to save up to 100 days of missed vacation to be used for sickness, elder care, or philanthropic activities.

Expanded Use of Paid Holidays for Volunteer Activities

Fujikura Ltd. has a system to allow employees to use their paid holidays for which the two-year entitlement period has expired up to 100 days if they become ill or need to take leave for their family in need of nursing care. In April 2015, the company added local community/social contribution (volunteer) activities to the activities for which employees can use such holidays.

The activities for which employees can use the aforementioned holidays now include volunteer activities for disaster victims, organ donor-related activities (registration and actual donation), welfare activities for people with disabilities and the elderly, contributions to local disaster and crime control, and youth training and education.