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CSR Integrated Report

Fujikura Group CSR Integrated Report 2016
[ISO 26000 Core Subject] Fair Operating Practices

Risk Management

Risk Management

Fujikura classifies risks to be managed into risks related to business opportunities (strategy risks) and risks related to the performance of its business activities (operational risks). Strategy risks are managed by top executives jointly through the Board of Directors and the Management Committee, while operational risks are managed by the Risk Management Committee based on the Fujikura Risk Management Rules.
With crisis management, we provide information to top management promptly and have established a response organization and a management system in the Fujikura Risk Management Rules.

As for operational risks, we manage a range of incidents daily that take place in our corporate activities, including those related to compliance, quality assurance, environmental management, safety and health, and information security under a system led by in-house organizations specializing in each of the fields. Specifically, the Legal Department, Quality Assurance Division, Global Environment Division, Human Resource & General Affairs Division, System Division, Security Export Administrative Division, and other in-house expert organizations show the values to which society wants companies to adhere to directors and employees. These in-house organizations work to ensure that the directors and employees behave appropriately in compliance with social norms as well as with laws and regulations so that the Company can win even more trust from a range of stakeholders including customers, consumers, employees, business partners, and shareholders.

Risk Management system

Risk Management system

Whistle-blowing system

The fujikura group established "Fujikura Group Code of Conduct" in 2002. Along with the establishment of this Code, we have developed and operated the "Internal Reporting System" which guarantees the protection of whistleblowers. The internal reporting system is a system aimed at consulting on human rights, prevention of compliance violation, monitoring of penetration of corporate ethics, and so on.
In our internal reporting system, we have established an outside consultation desk by independent third parties as well as an in-house consultation window, and we widely accept reports from employees and temporary staff. In addition, the Group, which is developing its business globally, is also developing windows at each site. Upon operation of this system, we are trying to make awareness in our company intranet and in-house training.

[Internal reporting and number of consultation in FY 2015]

FY2014 FY2015
number of Internal report and consultations (cases) 3 15

We will steadily penetrate the internal reporting system among our employees and will continue further enhancement to fulfill further functions.

Information security

With the progress of this highly information-oriented society, the importance of information and the use of information systems are dramatically increasing in corporate activities. In particular in recent years, risks associated with electronic information are expanding, and we regard the implementation of information security measures as a top priority in our business activities. Fujikura formulated its Basic Rules on the Security of Electronic Information in 2005 to protect all information handled by the Fujikura Group. By constantly increasing the awareness of these rules among directors and employees and urging them to comply, we will fulfill our social responsibilities regarding information security.

Basic principles on information security

  • Prevent illegal invasion, leakage, falsification, and destruction of information assets by implementing appropriate personnel, physical, and technical measures and never become a wrongdoer in this regard.
  • In the event of a security incident, give a prompt responses to minimize the damage.
  • Conduct security activities on a continual basis, establish a security management system to respond to new threats, and ensure higher safety through these activities.

We will enhance our information security by steadily managing our information assets and providing information security education to employees. At the same time, we will improve our information security level based on a PDCA cycle-driven management system so that the safety of the information assets handled by the Fujikura Group will be preserved, and this will help us win even more trust from society.

[Activity in fiscal 2015]

The Fujikura Group Electronic Information Security Committee held an e-learning seminar on information security, in which 9,128 Group employees participated.

Protection of intellectual property

Fujikura has been proactively obtaining patents, design rights and other intellectual property rights to secure its business superiority achieved through the results of its research and development efforts, while duly respecting the intellectual property rights of third parties. Against the unauthorized use of our patents, design rights, trademark rights and other rights, we take appropriate actions based on applicable laws.
Our strategic business units (SBUs) regularly hold meetings on intellectual property (IP), and our business, R&D and intellectual property departments jointly conduct activities to build up strategies on intellectual property based on business strategies, "visualize" our position and that of our competitors in terms of patent acquisition, and foster patent filing as part of the effort to meet business challenges while managing intellectual property rights. 

Moreover, we regularly hold IP seminars according to the expertise of participating employees, organize meetings for our intellectual property research groups to report their activities, and invite external experts to give special IP lectures to employees, thereby raising the IP awareness of Fujikura Group employees.

The Fujikura's policy on Protection of intellectual property