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CSR Integrated Report

Fujikura Group CSR Integrated Report 2016
[ISO 26000 Core Subject] Environment

Initiatives to Reduce Environmental Impacts

Anti-global warming measures

Anti-global warming measures

Domestically, our Group reduced CO2 emissions from energy production in FY 2015 by 1% (5% in terms of amount of energy used) when compared to FY 2012 levels. This is the result of our active promotion of energy conservation investment (e.g., updating air conditioning equipment in cleanrooms, updating factory utility facilities to energy-saving models, switching from mercury lamps to LEDs for factory lighting, etc.) in conjunction with the everyday energy conservation activities of our employees, for example through their improvements in factory operation methods. However, overseas the Group has seen an increase in energy consumption owing to a full recovery from flooding damages in Thailand as well as increases in production capacity at the Chinese optical fiber factory. Across the Group as a whole, CO2 emissions per 100 million yen unit of sales has improved year by year, with FY 2015 down 18% from FY 2012.

For the energy conservation activities taken as part of our CO2 reduction strategy, we held regular meetings that bring together the personnel concerned with energy conservation at all our Japanese domestic bases. Held in a revolving fashion at each base, these meetings allow for revitalized information exchanges through observation of actual energy conservation practices. As well, in the Thailand area local staff held presentations on the improvement of energy conservation. Additionally, we have introduced metering equipment for energy conservation, with dedicated personnel visiting both domestic and overseas bases to disseminate and diagnose through on-site measurement.

As a result of these efforts, five companies within the Group have earned an S-class (the highest rank) evaluation as Enterprises Excelling in Energy Conservation within the Enterprise Classification for Businesses and Factories Based on Energy Conservation Regulation Periodic Reporting (FY 2015 Submission), published by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy.

As part of our 2020 Medium-term Plan, we have set a reduction target for FY 2020 as well as a CO2 emissions reduction target for FY 2030 as a long-term goal in the domestic Group based on the reduction target for global greenhouse gases submitted by the Japanese government at COP 21. To help fulfill these target values, we established reduction goals in our consumption rates for energy conservation as we aim to contribute to the achievement of this national goal.

The Fujikura Groups Co2 emission

Cool Choice activities with Japan’s Ministry of the Environment

Cool Choiceポスター
Cool Choice campaign

As a corporate group that cares about the global environment, the Fujikura Group is proactive in its efforts as a participant of and registrant with Cool Choice, a new Japan-wide initiative spearheaded by the government and the Ministry of Environment concerned with the prevention of global climate change as we approach 2030.

If all of us as individuals make the “cool” choice and act intelligently to forestall global climate change, the accumulation of these many small decisions will lead to major changes that will help prevent global warming. In FY 2015, we promoted the Cool Choice campaign through the display of posters and related activities.

Calculation of CO2 emissions from the supply chain (Scopes 1, 2 and 3)

Following the setting of the GHG Protocol Scope 3 standard in 2011, there are stringent requirements under the CDP and GRI-G4 for companies to disclose information about CO2 emissions from their entire supply chains in addition to CO2 emissions from their own business activities. In response, Fujikura Ltd. participated in the project to support the calculation of supply chain CO2 emissions implemented by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment also in fiscal 2014 and made simplified calculations for all the GHG Protocol Scope 3 categories. The following shows the Scopes 1, 2 and 3 calculation results from fiscal 2012 to 2015.

Accounting results of Scope1,2,3(Fujikura Ltd.)

Energy Conservation Measures

Fujikura Group energy conservation activities

Various activities

Green curtain

In FY2015 as well, we had a very hot summer,especially in the Eastern and Northern Japan.The Fujikura Group began to conduct a campaign to grow seedlings into green curtains in around May, and many of our bases had completed their green curtains by July, before the sun became very strong. These curtains contributed to a decrease (by three to five degrees Celsius) in the room temperature. Green curtains help decrease the room temperature and are friendly to the environment. They are also kind to the eyes and mitigate the fatigue caused by work. Green curtains have become an indispensable item for us to get through the hot summer season.

"Cool biz" in summer and "warm biz" in winter

As a socially responsible corporate group, the Fujikura Group has been implementing the government "cool biz" and "warm biz" campaigns in summer and in winter, respectively. Through these campaigns, we encourage individual employees to conduct environmental activities at their offices, plants and homes while reviewing their energy use and reforming their work and private lifestyles toward the creation of a low-carbon society. The campaigns, which we implemented also in FY2015, are becoming regular events.

Installed the Panel of Solar Power

Turning off lights across the Group

In 2015, The Fujikura Group implemented its fifth "Turning off lights" campaign to mitigate global warming as much as possible and reinforce how important lighting is. In the campaign, employees turned off lights both at their workplaces and homes.

Our forest preservation activity through Morino Chonai-Kai

It is estimated that Japan has 4.65 million hectares of forests that pose a risk of landslides and debris flows, and that there are 520,000 debris flow-prone spots in the country. Due to depopulation and aging of people in mountainous villages, forests are being increasingly left unattended without being thinned, which leads to a loss of the water-retaining functions provided by trees and bushes and to an increase in the number of debris flow-prone spots. In response, the NPO "Office Chonai-Kai" launched the Morino Chonai-Kai activity. Companies that wish to support this activity purchase Forest Thinning Support Paper at the relatively expensive price of 15 yen per kg and use it as printing paper for their CSR reports and other documents. The proceeds are used to foster forest thinning. Forests need to be thinned for tree branches and roots to grow continuously, which in turn helps maintain the rainwater storage ability of the forests, one of their primary functions. Trees also absorb CO2 in their growing process. As many as 475 companies and organizations, including Fujikura, participate in this activity. In fiscal 2015, we used 573.5 kg of Forest Thinning Support Paper. The Fujikura Group will continue to support this endeavor in a proactive manner.

Action of our establishment

The actions of the environmental load reduction of our establishment are as follows.

Company, unit classification contents
Fujikura head office f.prevention of global warming energy saving
a light down campaign
Green curtain
g.waste reduction paperless meeting
Promotion of the domestic complete disposal zero-emission
Classification recycling enforcement
Eco-cap collection
Eco-bottle, campaign enforcement of the eco-bag
Recycling enforcement
h.Earth environmental protection the certification of "the oasis of the city"
in Tokyo "green revival business of Edo"
environmental Audit
the environmental education of the employee in “Fujikura-Kiba millennium woods”
Survey by of the vigor of “Fujikura-Kiba millennium woods”
use of thinning materials paper
Fujikura Sakura Works g.waste reduction paperless meeting
the classification of plastic
h.Earth environmental protection “SATOYAMA”plan drafting
biological diversity satellite setting
Fujikura Suzuka Works f.prevention of global warming OA apparatus, illumination needing; energy saving
a light down campaign
plant a tree as adult memory
Green curtain
g.waste reduction color printing, print misreduction, paperless meeting
Zero-emission, waste classification collection
h.Earth environmental protection establishment green tract of land, maintenance of the unused land
Fujikura Numazu Works f.prevention of global warming Cool Biz, Warm Biz
Star Festival light down
a green curtain, a shading net, the setting of the reed screen
g.waste reduction reduction paper
classification reinforcement
promoted the separated collection
My cup activity
h.Earth environmental protection the cleaning of senbon hama beaches
Fujikura Ishioka Works f.prevention of global warming Cool Biz, Warm Biz
light down
Green curtain
g.waste reduction backing paper, paperless meeting
classification collection box
h.Earth environmental protection ISO14001 domestic inspection
Fujikura Kansai Branch f.prevention of global warming energy saving
light down
g.waste reduction paper reduction
measure waste and restrain
classification collection box
enforcement of the eco-bag and eco-bottle
Fujikura Toyota technology center f.prevention of global warming light down
g.waste reduction backing paper
classification collection box
Fujikura Hiroshima technology center f.prevention of global warming Cool Biz, Warm Biz
light down
g.waste reduction classification collection box

Planting activities of our group

In the US, AFL Telecommunications LLC (South Carolina) is engaged in promoting two greenification activities that tie to protection of the global environment.

1. Tree planting

AFL has focused on tree planting for many years as part of their greenification efforts. Originally planning for 12,000 trees planted in 2015, they had exceeded their forecast by the end of 2015, planting 13,708 trees.

2. Distributing of seedlings

To realize a greener globe overall, AFL holds an annual activity called AFL Take Root (referring to tree planting). Held every year, in FY 2015 they donated over 1,300 seedlings to local elementary schools.

The global environment protection activities of our group includes activity such as planting and forest conservation, the maintenance of the green tract of land.

Company classification contents
Fujikura HeadOffice(Japan) global environment protection Promotion of forest protection through usage of paper created with thinned timber
Fujikura SUZUKA Works prevention of global warming Memorial tree planting for Coming of Age Day
Fujikura Logistics(Japan) prevention of global warming Planting flower beds around work sites
FETL(Thailand) global environment protection Establishment of small forest dams
prevention of global warming Mangrove planting
Creating a communal space with trees planted around the periphery where animals are provided with licks for the obtainment of necessary minerals
DDK-T(Thailand) global environment protection Construction of a small-scale dam weir for natural resource protection in Thailand
FATL(Thailand) prevention of global warming Planting trees on factory premises
FOV(Vietnam) prevention of global warming Plant trees around factory site, increasing factory greenification by 21%
DVL(Vietnam) prevention of global warming Planting trees around the company offices
Planting a lawn
AFL Tele.(U.S.A.) prevention of global warming Surpassing planting target in Take Root, a project for the promotion of tree planting
Gift 1,300 pine seedlings to a neighboring elementary school
FAA Group Group(Mexico) prevention of global warming Donation of trees for planting
Donation of 30 trees to an elementary school
FPA(Paraguay) prevention of global warming Delivery of 360 plants, promoting the enhancement of environmental awareness