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CSR Integrated Report

Fujikura Group CSR Integrated Report 2015
[ISO 26000 Core Subject] Organizational Governance

Information Disclosure and Communication

Information Disclosure and Communication

Fujikura Grpup is working to increase its corporate value through communication, specifically by providing all its stakeholders with correct corporate information in a prompt, accurate, and fair manner and helping them understand the corporate brand concept, which is based on the Corporate Philosophy MVCV.

Measures for Our Stakeholders

In starting CSR activities in 2009, the Fujikura Group clarified the relationships between the Group and society (its stakeholders) based on the following idea of the Fujikura Group CSR Committee chaired by the president of Fujikura Ltd.: "Companies cannot survive on their own without society. We need to detect and respond to social changes toward the future through communication with society." Specifically, the CSR Committee and the working teams under the Committee discussed the Group-stakeholder relationships and, as a result, we classified stakeholders who were strongly related to our corporate activities into the following six categories: customers; employees including their families; shareholders and investors; business partners (suppliers); local communities; and governments and the environment. For the fulfillment of our CSR, it is indeed essential for us to disseminate information about our corporate activities in a timely manner to these important stakeholders and incorporate their expectations and opinions into the management of the Group.

Accordingly, the Group will globally dispatch information mainly about its responsibilities and tasks to be fulfilled for its stakeholders. We will also foster new measures for our management priorities and CSR activities, while checking whether we are making appropriate responses to the opinions and ideas expressed by individual stakeholders.

Fujikura Group's Communication with Stakeholders

Stakeholders Our responsibilities and tasks Communication methods
Customers ・Provision of safe products and services
・Manufacturing from customers' viewpoints
・Assurance of quality
・Provision of eco-friendly products
・Management for higher CS
・Protection of personal information
・Website (production and technological information)
・News releases
・Responses to CSR questionnaire surveys and audits
・Publication of newsletters on new products and technologies
・Display of products at showrooms and exhibitions
・Contact for inquiries
Employees ・Respect for human rights
・Respect for diversity
・Provision of equal employment opportunities
・Respect for work-life balance
・Human resource development
・Fair evaluation and treatment
・Occupational health and safety
・Comfortable workplaces
・In-house magazines of each company and the Group
・Publication of CSR newsletters
・Invitation of employees' children and families to the workplaces
・Internal whistle-blowing system
・Discussion-oriented labor-management relationship
・Management of employees' health and safety
・Employees' awareness surveys
Shareholders and investors ・Appropriate return of profit through dividends
・Timely and proper information disclosure
・IR communication
・Enhancement of the auditing function
・Communication about eco-funds and SRI
・Increase of corporate value
・Website (investor information)
・Business reporting and annual reports
・General meetings of shareholders
・Briefings on financial results, including those for analysts
・Visits to and individual meetings with investors
・Contact for inquiries
Business partners ・CSR-oriented procurement criteria
・Fair and appropriate trading
・Green procurement
・Supply chain management
・CSR-related support across the supply chain
・Partners' meetings
・CSR questionnaire surveys targeting suppliers
・Website for exclusive use by suppliers
・Daily discussion with suppliers
・Contact for inquiries

Local communities ・Local social contribution activities
・Volunteer activities and collaboration with NGOs
・Dialogue and collaboration with local inhabitants
・Community investment
・Respect for local culture and customs
・Environmental protection
・Safety and prevention of accidents
・Factory tours and open access to the corporate facilities
・Local volunteer activities
・Regular meetings with local governments
・Disaster support agreements with local governments and others
・Support to local cultural and traditional events
・Participation in and support for activities to revitalize local industries
・Support for school education (through the dispatch of lecturers)
Governments and the environment ・Tax payment
・Formulation of environmental protection policies
・Collaboration with NGOs
・Biodiversity conservation
・Zero emissions and recycling
・Anti-global warming measures and energy conservation activities
・Management and reduction of the use of hazardous chemicals
・Participation in economic and industrial associations
・Discussions with and requests to the governmental authorities
・Submission of various notifications and questionnaire replies
・Compliance with legal regulations
・Responses to environmental authorities and regulations
・Public disclosure of the environmental policies and activities

Investor Relation

Information Disclosure for Investors

In particular, we are making efforts to ensure speedy information disclosure via the Tokyo Stock Exchange and through our own press conferences. In our IR web pages, we post our schedule for quarterly information disclosure, data on quarterly performance results, and information on the Mid-Term Business Plan, new business projects, R&D results, the launch of new subsidiaries, and others both in Japanese and English.

Investor Relation

As part of our IR activities, we hold quarterly briefings on our financial results for institutional investors and securities analysts in Japan. At the briefings held in the middle and end of each fiscal year, top managers themselves explain changes in the business performance and the reasons,and also correspond to the question and answer session.In addition, these investors and analysts are invited to an annual briefing on the Mid-Term Business Plan, which is formulated for the sustainable growth of the Company. The President and the director also travel overseas to have meetings with local institutional investors and securities analysts in Europe, and the United States. The executives also proactively participate in seminars held for foreign institutional investors in Japan, deeming it important to have dialogues with such investors.
For general shareholders and personal investors, we disclose up-to-date information promptly on our website. Our Investor Relations Group serves as the contact for inquiries about our business performance disclosure schedules and performance forecasts.




Local Communities, Goverments and Envirment

Seminar on biotopes

We hold a seminar on biotopes at the Fujikura-Kiba Millennium Woods for local people twice a year in the spring and fall. In fiscal 2014, we held one seminar on May 28, when beautiful spring flowers can be enjoyed, and another one on November 21, which is the best season for colored autumn leaves. On these days, a total of 250 people, including couples and families with baby buggies taking walks in the biotope in Kiba, as well as elementary school and kindergarten children participated in the events.

Seminar on biotopes

Seminar on biotopes

Seminar on biotopes

Information about the Millennium Woods

The Fujikura Group CSR Committee posts weekly information about the seasonal lives of organisms living in the Fujikura-Kiba Millennium Woods at a special website titled "Gatharia Bio-Garden Fujikura-Kiba Millennium Woods." On the website, we also posted the photos of various creatures living in the bio-garden that were taken and provided by the local people.

Information release to our customers and business partners

Regarding information release to our customers and business partners,we have "Fujikura News" for our new products, "Fujikura Technical Review" for our new technologiesand "Products" site of our webpage for our products. We also hold "partners meetings" and
exhibit our products in our showroom at the HQ lobby. We renewed exhibits of electronics products in fiscal 2014.




Fujikura News (information about new products)

We issue Fujikura News once a month in both hardcopy and online formats.

Fujikura News

Fujikura Technical Review (information about new technologies)

We issue Fujikura Technical Review twice a year in Japanese and English in both hardcopy and online formats.

Fujikura Technical Review

Fujikura Group partners' meetings

In order to foster and expand CSR-oriented procurement, we deem it critical to have direct dialogue with suppliers. Based on this idea, the Fujikura Group holds partners' meetings to gain suppliers' understanding and support to foster CSR-oriented procurement across the supply chain.
We also held one such meeting in Shanghai, China to foster CSR-oriented procurement globally across the supply chain.

Fujikura Group partners' meetings

Partners' meeting in Japan

Fujikura Group partners' meetings

Partners' meeting in Shanghai, China

Dispatch of information to employees

In-house magazines

Fujikura issues its monthly in-house magazine TSUNAGU in both hardcopy and online formats, and other Group companies also have their own in-house magazines.


The Group's in-house magazine

We also issue the Group's in-house magazine TSUNAGU TIMES in five languages.


Intranet for employees

We also dispatch CSR-related information on the intranet for employees twice a week.


Panel exhibition on creatures living in the Fujikura-Kiba Millennium Woods

Fujikura Gloup CSR Committee displays a panel in the lobby of the head office showing photos of creatures living in the bio-garden.

Proactive Information Dispatch (by Stakeholder)

Stakeholders in general Webpage (on a continuing basis):
CSR Site (on a continuing basis):
News Release (as needed):
Fujikura Group CSR Integrated Report (once a year):
Shareholders and investors Annual Report (once a year):
Investor Relations Site (every quarter):
Business Results Presentation(every quarter):
General Meeting of Shareholders(once a year):
Local communities and the environment Fujikura-Kiba Millennium Woods:
Fukagawa Gatharia:
Customers and business partners Fujikura News (information about new products):
Fujikura Technical Review (twice a year):
Dispatch of information to employees In-house magazines(monthly in both hardcopy and online formats)
The Group's in-house magazine(twice a year infive languages)
Intranet for employees(on a continuing basis)
Intranet for employees 「CSR-related information」(twice a week)
CSR Information「CSR World」(once a month)