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CSR Integrated Report

Fujikura Group CSR Integrated Report 2015
[ISO 26000 Core Subject] Human Rights and Labour Practices

Basic principles, policies, and medium- to long-term vision

The basic concept of diversity in companies is to respect and value the differences of individual employees and provide all employees with equal opportunities to display their abilities within the organization, thereby making the most of their capabilities for the company. Based on this concept, we are proactively conducting activities on various themes, including helping women display more of their abilities, employing people with disabilities, reemploying retirees, and employing non-Japanese people.

■Basic principles and policies

The Fujikura Group fosters diversity based on the following principles and policies.

■Medium-term vision

  • Establishment of a personnel treatment system for global human resources
  • Promotion of the employment and education of global human resources
  • Globalization of employees
  • Achievement of the legal employment rate (new standard: 2.0% or higher) for people with disabilities
  • Higher rate of female employees and better use of employees engaged in clerical work


Helping women display more of their abilities

Measures implemented by the United Nations and Japan

The Fujikura Group, as a global corporate entity, has been fostering measures to help women display more of their abilities in line with the international trend and specifically based on the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women and the Women's Empowerment Principles announced by the United Nations. For such measures, we also refer to the Basic Act for Gender Equal Society of Japan, the Basic Plan for Gender Equality, the Third Basic Plan for Gender Equality, and other statements made by the Cabinet Office of Japan, while giving consideration to recent movements in the EU.

Policies and targets

The Fujikura Group is implementing measures to help women display more of their abilities in consideration of international movements led mainly by the United Nations and based on related laws and plans fostered in Japan. We have set our medium- to long-term vision for diversity based on our principles on diversity and CSR Activity Guidelines.

■Medium-term vision of employing and promoting more women

  • Increase the rate of female employees and stimulate General staff employees


Employing and promoting more women

We will continue to implement measures to help women display more of their abilities by employing and promoting more women.

Employing and promoting more women

Percentage of female managers

As of the end of March 2015, 59 Group Companies:

Percentage of female managers

Employment of people with disabilities

Policies and Targets


  • Fulfillment of social responsibility and normalization*


  • Expand the employment of people with disabilities
    (1)Achievement of the targeted employment rate (2%)
    (2)Improve the work environment
    (3)Examination on a special subsidiary

Employment of people with disabilities

In recent years we have been proactive in implementing measures to employ disabled people, but fortunately our employment ratio for people with disabilities is still 1.9% as of March 2015. We will take more measures to achieve the legal ratio.

Disabled elevator inthe Sakura Plant

Employment ratios for people with disabilities
End of fiscal 2010 End of fiscal 2011 End of fiscal 2012 End of fiscal 2013 End of fiscal 2014
1.73% 1.85% 1.90% 1.86% 1.9%

Fujikura Ltd. continued its efforts to establish a special subsidiary for people with disabilities in fiscal 2014 as well.

Providing support for employees with disabilities to participate in sports

Fujikura Ltd. proactively employs people with disabilities, including athletes in wheelchairs, for whom the company is working to improve the workplace environment. Moreover, we eagerly support those who aim to participate in the Paralympics.

Reemployment of retirees

We regard the manufacturing technologies and management knowhow that have been accumulated by retirees as one of the important properties of the Fujikura Group, and we therefore reemploy willing retirees who are still very much required by the Group as "masters consultants."
Following the revision of the Japanese Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons in April 2013, we have introduced a reemployment system for retirees who meet the selection criteria for continued employment (up to five years), as defined in the labor-management agreement.

Employment of foreign nationals

In promoting global management, it is becoming more important for us to manage human resources across national borders. At present, Fujikura has 55 non-Japanese employees.