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CSR Integrated Report

Fujikura Group CSR Integrated Report 2015
[ISO 26000 Core Subject] Environment

Environmental Management System

Fujikura Group Global Environment Charter

We created the Fujikura Global Environment Charter in 1992 and revised it in April 2013. Specifically, we added a provision on the conservation of biodiversity to the Charter based on the recognition that we need to make our business activities compatible with the protection of the global environment.

Fujikura Group Global Environment Charter

Established: April 1992 / Revised: April 2013


With the rapid developments in science and technology, human civilization is making dramatic leaps forward, and we have become able to enjoy affluent lives. On the other hand, however, we have seen progress in environmental destruction on a global scale, such as global warming, destruction of the ozone layer, acid rain, depletion of rainforests, desertification and marine pollution, and we have reached the stage where the existence on the earth not only of mankind but of life itself is in serious peril. Increasingly complex and diversified social systems are deeply involved with these global environmental problems, and corporate activities are undeniably one of the major factors behind these problems. At Fujikura Group we are strongly aware that our operations are closely related to the global environment, and are making the utmost effort to protect the global environment.

Basic Philosophy

Fujikura Group is expanding its basic policy of "establishing affluent and cheerful lifestyles through the efforts of all employees of the Fujikura Group" on a global scale, and is committed to company-wide activities to protect the earth as one of management's top priorities.

Action Guidelines

In all areas of corporate activities, each individual must act giving priority to conserving the global environment.

Global environment in 2050 and new initiatives to be implemented by the Fujikura Group

Presently, global warming is causing a range of natural disasters around the world. The impact to the global environment from the deterioration of "natural capital" is a cause of great concern for the future of social infrastructure and the economic environment, both of which need to be kept stable as a precondition for companies to continue their business activities.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced the OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050 in 2012, which predicts the following: over the 40 years from 2010 to 2050, the world population will increase by 2 billion to a total of 9 billion or more, and the world GDP will almost quadruple, resulting in an 80% increase in energy use. Unless the entire world cooperates together to implement more proactive measures, CO2 emissions from energy use will increase by 70% and greenhouse gas emissions will also increase by 50% by 2050, which will in turn raise the global average temperature by three to six degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by the end of this century*1.

Also, in the BLUE Map Scenario (2010) published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), it is pointed out that to protect the global environment, the amount of electricity generated from renewable energy must double from the present level by 2020 and that the world's CO2 emissions from energy use should decrease by half*2 relative to the 2005 level.

The Fujikura Group regards it as its social responsibility to make the creation of a sustainable society compatible with the Group's continuous development by conducting business activities that are friendly both to people and the global environment. In response to the aforementioned serious predictions made regarding our precious planet by the international organizations for 2050, the Fujikura Group is pressing forward with new initiatives, including formulating priority CSR measures under the 2020 Medium-Term Business Plan that will start in fiscal 2016, as well as setting our long-term vision.

*1 The OECD created the OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050 (2012) jointly with the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL).

*2 The International Energy Agency (IEA) published the Energy Technology Perspectives 2010 and presented the BLUE Map Scenario to reduce CO2 emissions by half from the 2005 level by 2050.

System to Promote Environmental Activities

Global Environment Activity Promotion System

The overall environmental conservation activities of the Fujikura Group are managed by the Environmental-Site Working Group under the Group CSR Committee. The Environmental-Site Working Group is responsible for the discussion and resolution of issues related to the Group's environmental management. Specific activities of the body include setting annual and medium-term goals, formulating plans according to the set goals and monitoring the progress of the implemented plans. For addressing priority themes, special teams which support the planning of measures and ensuring implementation of the measures across the Group, etc., are organized under the Working Group as necessary.

The Fujikura Group Environmental-Site Working Group

The Fujikura Group Environmental-Site Working Group

Fujikura Group CSR Environment Activity Promotion System

Environmental materiality

Process to prioritize environmental themes

Under the International Integrated Reporting Framework announced by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), the materiality determination process is defined as the process in which relevant matters are identified, evaluated with regard to their materiality, and prioritized based on the evaluation results. The Fujikura Group prioritizes its environmental measures in line with the IIRC's materiality determination process. Specifically, we regularly identify environmental matters that are relevant to us, evaluate their materiality, prioritize them based on the evaluation results, and then introduce in our report the measures we have implemented according to the prioritization results.

Process to prioritize environmental themes

Environmental Materiality Matrix

Environmental Materiality Matrix

Fujikura Group ECO-PASS environmental information collection system

Fujikura is committed to identifying its energy use and waste generation amounts as well as the use of chemical substances in its business operations, in order to clarify related problems and make improvements to reduce its environmental impact. To this end, we have been collecting and managing environmental data from each factory and office in the Fujikura Group.
Last fiscal year we launched the Fujikura Group ECO-PASS system to increase the efficiency of environmental data collection.

In order to encourage the sharing and analysis of the collected information across the Group to further reduce our environmental impact, we have "visualized" the information, including data about our environmental impact and the results of our environmental activities.


Measures for the United Nations Global Compact

Following a decision made by its CSR Committee (Management Committee) in July 2013, Fujikura Ltd. announced its support for the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), which outlines the universal and international principles on human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. Subsequently, on September 3, 2013, the company became a signatory to the Global Compact and also joined the Global Compact Japan Network (GC-JN). The UNGC, which is based on 10 principles, provides a global framework for companies and other organizations to act as good corporate citizens for the creation of a sustainable society by displaying leadership in a responsible manner. Under this framework, Fujikura began to conduct activities after checking that the Group had the necessary policies and guidelines corresponding to the 10 principles in place, and established new ones as necessary.

Contribution to the United Nations Millennium Ecosystem Assessment

The United Nations created the five year Millennium Ecosystem Assessment* starting from 2001. The findings of the Assessment included the following facts regarding environmental destruction: over several dozen years at the end of the 20th century, about 40% of Earth's coral reefs were destroyed or had deteriorated, and about 35% of mangrove forests were lost. Regarding biodiversity, over the past several hundred years, humans caused the extinction of Earth's species at around a 1,000 times faster rate than the natural extinction rate.

Fujikura Ltd. is conducting activities as a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, which contains Ten Principles. Principle 8 urges signatories to undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility. The Fujikura Group aims to become a corporate group that is friendly to the global environment. We are proactively joining efforts made to build up an international framework for the environment, while fostering measures to ensure biodiversity by making use of the environmental materiality matrix from medium- to long-term viewpoints.

* In line with the speech made by then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan at the UN General Assembly held in 2000, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment was launched in June 2001 with the participation of about 1,360 experts from 95 countries, including the staff of Japan's National Institute for Environmental Studies.

Third-party assurance

The Fujikura Group had a third party verify the environmental performance data to be disclosed in this CSR Integrated Report to increase reliability of the data, and included the assurance report published by the said party in the report.

Third-party assurance

Third-party assurance

Third-party assurance

Legal Compliance

Legal Compliance

We work to ensure compliance with environmental laws, regulations, ordinances, and agreements under our environmental management system and evaluate the results. In fiscal 2014 there were no violations of laws, regulations, ordinances or agreements either at Fujikura or at its domestic and overseas subsidiaries.


Result in fiscal 2014 : noting