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CSR Integrated Report

Fujikura Group CSR Integrated Report 2014
[ISO 26000 Core Subject] Organizational Governance


Compliance with the Antimonopoly Act

At the meeting of the Board of Directors held on September 28, 2009, participants passed a resolution on the Fujikura Antimonopoly Act Compliance Program with a view to ensuring compliance with the law through the announcement by the President of the company's commitment to compliance and also through the provision of relevant instructions to all directors and employees as well as through the enhancement of our in-house compliance system. Under this program, we are formulating rules on contacts with competitors, educating all our sales staff on the Antimonopoly Act, and implementing other measures to improve our in-house compliance system.

Export control

On the international front, security problems such as nuclear and missile issues in Iran and North Korea are emerging as serious international concerns. Japan is a major exporter of high-tech products and technologies on a par with the United States. When Japanese companies export their products for consumer use overseas, they need to ensure that none of these products will be used to create nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, missiles to transport these weapons, or other weapons of mass destruction, in order to preserve international peace and safety.

The Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act of Japan regulates the export of not only weapons but also consumer products and technologies that could be used for military purposes, with a view to maintaining international peace and security. The Act also requires exporters to meet the export criteria set by the Japanese government.

In order to maintain peace, order and security of the international community in the progress of globalization, companies are thus strongly required to strictly control the export and provision of their products and technologies that could be used for military purposes.

Fujikura has set the in-house export control rules, based on which it makes necessary judgment on products to be exported and technologies to be provided*, checks its dealings with customers, notifies employees of any revisions to the related laws and regulations, provides them with training on export control, and also carries out internal audits for export control. Under this system, we promote voluntary export control and ensure legal compliance.

For export control, we make necessary judgments about our products and confirm their intended usage with the users. We also pay due attention to the shipment of equipment to the plants of overseas Group companies to ensure that no export-regulated items are included in the shipment. We obtain export permits for the equipment as necessary.

In fiscal 2013, we provided employees, including those engaged in export control at Group companies in Japan, with a related e-learning course. We also dispatched personnel to Group companies in Japan and abroad to raise their employees’ awareness of export control and give relevant instructions, thereby promoting compliance awareness across the Group.

*Specifically, judgments are made on whether the goods to be exported and technologies (including programs) to be provided are subject to export regulation or not.

Basic Policy of the Fujikura Group for Export Control

Basic Policy of the Fujikura Group for Export Control

  • We make it the basic policy of the Fujikura Group companies not to participate in transactions with a possibility of undermining maintenance of international peace and safety.
  • We comply with the laws relating to the export control which are applicable in the country or area where the group companies each does business activities.
  • In order to comply with the above-mentioned basic policy and laws, the group companies each will establish its system and rule for export control.

The Fujikura Group Anti-Corruption Policy

The Fujikura Group is committed to complying with all anti-corruption laws and regulations applied in the countries and regions the Group conducts activities in. Moreover, we have newly established the Fujikura Group Anti-Corruption Policy.

Measures for the United Nations Global Compact

Following a decision made by its CSR Committee (Management Committee) in July 2013, Fujikura Ltd. announced its support for the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), which outlines the universal and international principles on human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. Subsequently, on September 3, 2013, the company became a signatory to the Global Compact and also joined the Global Compact Japan Network (GC-JN). The UNGC, which is based on 10 principles, provides a global framework for companies and other organizations to act as good corporate citizens for the creation of a sustainable society by displaying leadership in a responsible manner. Under this framework, Fujikura began to conduct activities after checking that the Group had the necessary policies and guidelines corresponding to the 10 principles in place, and established new ones as necessary.

Awareness-raising activities conducted by the Fujikura Group

(1) Activity by the president

The president of Fujikura announces the company’s support of the UNGC in his speeches.
・Speeches made in educational seminars for new employees
・Speeches addressed to employees of Fujikura and other Group companies
・Speeches addressed to suppliers

Introduction of the Global Compact in the president’s speeches

Introduction of the Global Compact in the president’s speeches

(2) Activity by the CSR Committee

The CSR Committee is also working to raise employees’ awareness of the Global Compact.
・Educational seminars for new employees
・Briefings on the initiative for employees of Fujikura and other Group companies
・Biannual awareness-raising campaigns (in March and September)
・Biannual dispatch of information to employees through the intranet
・Creation of a comparison table between the 10 principles and the in-house policies and guidelines, dissemination of the table to Group companies in Japan and abroad, and the constant posting of the table on the CSR website on the intranet

Campaign poster

Campaign poster

(3) Activity by the procurement department

In the partners’ meetings held by the procurement department with suppliers, participants were briefed on the UNGC and Fujikura’s support to the initiative.
・Speeches made by the director in charge of procurement
・Speeches made by the procurement manager