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CSR Report

Fujikura Group CSR Report 2013
[ISO 26000 Core Subject] Organizational Governance

Information Disclosure and Communication

Information Disclosure and Communication

Fujikura Grpup is working to increase its corporate value through communication, specifically by providing all its stakeholders with correct corporate information in a prompt, accurate, and fair manner and helping them understand the corporate brand concept, which is based on the Corporate Philosophy MVCV.
In particular, we are making efforts to ensure speedy information disclosure via the Tokyo Stock Exchange and through our own press conferences. In our IR web pages, we post our schedule for quarterly information disclosure, data on quarterly performance results, and information on the Mid-Term Business Plan, new business projects, R&D results, the launch of new subsidiaries, and others both in Japanese and English, and also in Chinese.

Investor Relation

As part of our IR activities, we hold quarterly briefings on our financial results for institutional investors and securities analysts in Japan. At the briefings held in the middle and end of each fiscal year, top managers themselves explain changes in the business performance and the reasons. In addition, these investors and analysts are invited to an annual briefing on the Mid-Term Business Plan, which is formulated for the sustainable growth of the Company. The President and the director in charge of IR also travel overseas to have meetings with local institutional investors and securities analysts in Europe, and the United States. The executives also proactively participate in seminars held for foreign institutional investors in Japan, deeming it important to have dialogues with such investors.
For general shareholders and personal investors, we disclose up-to-date information promptly on our website. Our Investor Relations Group serves as the contact for inquiries about our business performance disclosure schedules and performance forecasts.

Dispatch of environmental and other information to local communities and governments

Seminar on biotopes

We held a seminar on biotopes at the Fujikura-Kiba Millennium Woods on May 26, 2013.

Information about the Millennium Woods

We dispatch information on the bio-garden on a weekly basis.

Renewal of the CSR website

We have renewed our external CSR website by categorizing the information posted on it in line with the core subjects of the ISO 26000 international standard on social responsibility. On the homepage, which used to contain a lot of text information, we now post more photos to make it more intelligible. Moreover at the website, we have included the “Highlight” section to collectively introduce the topics for which we receive a lot of inquiries.

CSR top page

Dispatch of information to customers and business partners

Response to a CSR audit

We responded to a CSR audit carried out by one of our customers. The main product factory of the customer (precision equipment manufacturer) suffered great damage due to the flooding in Thailand in 2011. Learning lessons from the disaster, which caused fraction of its supply chain, the manufacturer decided to accelerate the measures to address four critical challenges, including the stable supply of its products on its responsibility. As part of this effort, the company performed an audit on about 100 suppliers to the company, including Fujikura, in the form of a questionnaire survey. In the survey, we replied to 80 questions asked on 10 themes, such as the status of CSR measures and the internal manufacturing system.

Response to a CSR audit

Fujikura News (information about new products)

We issue Fujikura News once a month in both hardcopy and online formats.

fujikura news

Fujikura Technical Review (information about new technologies)

We issue Fujikura Technical Review twice a year in Japanese and English in both hardcopy and online formats.

Fujikura Technical Review

Dispatch of information to employees

In-house magazines

Fujikura issues its monthly in-house magazine TSUNAGU in both hardcopy and online formats, and other Group companies also have their own in-house magazines.


The Group’s in-house magazine

We also issue the Group’s in-house magazine TSUNAGU TIMES in five languages.


Intranet for employees

We also dispatch CSR-related information on the intranet for employees twice a week.


Panel exhibition of photos depicting the damage caused by the flooding in Thailand

The flooding in Thailand in October 2011 caused unprecedentedly severe damage to the Fujikura Group. Specifically, nine manufacturing bases of the Group in Thailand were flooded. Local employees returned to the bases after the floodwater receded were shocked at the damage caused to their facilities. Subsequently, they made untiring efforts to restore operations at the facilities. Fujikura held a panel exhibition of the several hundreds of photos taken by these employees in the lobby of the head office in June 2012, in order not to forget the disaster and communicate the experience to younger generations. The exhibition was subsequently held at all other sites of the company in Japan.

Panel exhibition of photos

Proactive Information Dispatch (by Stakeholder)

Stakeholders in general

Shareholders and investors

Local communities and the environment

Customers and business partners

Dispatch of information to employees