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CSR Report

Fujikura Group CSR Report 2013
[ISO 26000 Core Subject] Organizational Governance


Compliance with the Antimonopoly Act

At the meeting of the Board of Directors held on September 28, 2009, participants passed a resolution on the Fujikura Antimonopoly Act Compliance Program with a view to ensuring compliance with the law through the announcement by the President of the company's commitment to compliance and also through the provision of relevant instructions to all directors and employees as well as through the enhancement of our in-house compliance system. Under this program, we are formulating rules on contacts with competitors, educating all our sales staff on the Antimonopoly Act, and implementing other measures to improve our in-house compliance system.

Export control

On the international front, security problems such as nuclear and missile issues in Iran and North Korea are emerging as serious international concerns. Japan is a major exporter of high-tech products and technologies on a par with the United States. When Japanese companies export their products for consumer use overseas, they need to ensure that none of these products will be used to create nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, missiles to transport these weapons, or other weapons of mass destruction, in order to preserve international peace and safety.

In order to maintain peace, order and security of the international community in the progress of globalization, companies are strongly required to strictly control the export and provision of their products and technologies that could be used for military purposes.

Due to the enforcement of the revised Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act in 2009, the scope for regulation and punishment was expanded, and companies are now required to control export of their products and services even more strictly. Violators of the Act will be held liable both socially and ethically and likely to be censured by society in addition to legal punishment.

Fujikura has set the in-house export control rules, based on which it makes necessary judgment on products to be exported and technologies to be provided, checks its dealings with customers, notifies employees of any revisions to the related laws and regulations, provides them with training on export control; it also carries out internal audits for export control. Under this system, we promote voluntary export control and ensure legal compliance.

For export control, we make necessary judgments and confirm intended usage of the products with the users. We also pay due attention to the shipment of equipment to plants at overseas Group companies. We commission the necessary judgments for the equipment to an external organization, but make necessary judgment for the pumps, heat exchangers and other components to be shipped in combination with the equipment for ourselves in reference to the freight list, which is necessary even for the equipment deemed not subject to export control laws and regulations.

In fiscal 2012, we provided all employees with opportunities to raise their awareness of compliance through e-learning. Also, top executives were brought up to speed on this matter through e-learning to further foster compliance among employees in a top-down manner.