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CSR Report

Fujikura Group CSR Report 2013
[ISO 26000 Core Subject] The Environment

Environmental activities of Fujikura Group

Fujikura Group's Environmental Activities

Company Category Activity
Fujikura Ltd.
Head Office
Anti-Global Warming Measures Implementation of "Warm Biz" and "Cool Biz" to save energy in office buildings.
Installing "Green Curtains at head office building and making moss vegetation at roof.
Turn off all unnecessary lights and control elevator operation for energy saving.
Participating the "Turning off Lights" campaign.(Cool Earth Day, Summer solstice and Star Festival light down campaign)
Distributing Ryukyu morning glory seedling to employee for "Green Curtains".
Waste Reduction Reduce paper consumption, Reduce color printing and miss-printing, hold paperless conference.
Promote zero emission by zero landfill wastes.
Place waste separation bin for promote recycling.
Take rubbish home to promote and holding reduce waste activity in the company.
Global Environment Protection Provide seasonal living creature information at 'Fujikura millennium woods' on the web.
Holding Biotope seminar at 'Fujikura Kiba millennium Woods'.
Adopt to use copy paper made of thinner tree for Japanese forest resource protection .
Fujikura Ltd.
Sakura Plant
Anti-Global Warming Measures Reduce air-conditioning energy consumption by installing heat-blocking and heat-insulating coating over rooftop.
Control the air temperature, turn off unnecessary lights, turn off PC monitor screen when leaving desk for every saving.
Improve to reduce Basic Unit for Energy, install the energy saving device to to increase products productivity.
Holding energy saving patrol and promote saving energy activity in August and February for emphasize.
Implement saving energy action , cool & warm biz as well as allow employee to wear over garment for protecting cold weather in the office.
Waste Reduction Change to recycle plastic waste for reducing the percentage of final landfill.
Global Environment Protection Regular gardening , sterilization and fertilization for plants.
Purchase Eco Paper as copy paper.
Carry out the construction for tunnel collapse prevention around the plant, it applies to green zone technology to count 100 % according to environmental conservation low.
Fujikura Ltd.
Suzuka Plant
Anti-Global Warming Measures Planting the Ryukyu morning glory as "Green Curtains" at South of Office building and West of Security office building.
Reduced electricity consumption with installation of canopy switches and automatic on/off devices
Participating the "Turning off lights " campaign and turn off unnecessary lights such as office and monuments.
"In January 2013, planting native varieties trees for celebrating 3 employees ''a coming‐of‐age''
Conducting environmental education for all employee at beginning of the year.
Waste Reduction Promote black and white copy for basic usage of copy machine for reduce color and miss copy and for paperless meeting.
Zero emission for industrial wastes from office, and continue promoting wastes separation.
Increase the quantity of scrap waste for value disposable.
Global Environment Protection Promoting the greenery at east of the office building.
Fujikura Ltd.
Numazu Plant
Anti-Global Warming Measures Installing "Green Curtains", Shading net, and reed screens for energy saving.
Implement Cool Biz for summer and Warm Biz for winter.
Take out some lights outside factory for energy saving.
Waste Reduction Reduce paper and hold paperless meeting for environment.
Reduce landfill wastes by collecting valuables and waste separation.
Place waste separation bin to enforce waste separated collection.
Employee bring their own cup , bottle and eco bag.
Fujikura Ltd.
Ishioka Plant
Anti-Global Warming Measures Installing "Green Curtains" to keep out the blistering heat at management office.
Use motion sensors, or occupancy sensors to automatically turn off lighting and ventilation fan when not in use restroom.
Participating the "Turning off lights " campaign.
Waste Reduction Reduce paper consumption, and reduce color printing.
Promote for achieving Wastes zero emission target.
Utilize separated collection box for paper recycling.
Global Environment Protection Hanging up a signboard for stop idling activity.
Fujikura Ltd.
Osaka Branch Office
Anti-Global Warming Measures Check the thermo temperature for air conditioner, Implement Cool Biz for summer and Warm Biz for winter, saving energy action at rest room and office building.
Implemented ad " Turing off light " at Star festival and put rope on the office lights and turn off the lights if not necessary.
Waste Reduction Promote paperless conference and reduce paper consumption by copy both side of papers.
Control monthly wastes by measuring wastes.
Recycle waste paper shredder dust by searching recycle agents.
Fujikura Ltd.
Cyubu Branch Office
Anti-Global Warming Measures Promoting Cool Biz and Warm Biz to appropriate air conditioner temperature set up.
Take out some lightings in the office for energy saving.
Waste Reduction Use both sides of a paper for reduce paper consumption.
Utilize waste separate collection by sorting Pet bottles, Can, Bottles, and burnable & unburnable refuse.
Fujikura Ltd.
Cyugoku Branch Office
Anti-Global Warming Measures Promote energy saving by turning off unnecessary lights during lunch time and control air-conditioner temperature.
Waste Reduction Enforce black and white copy and reduce using color copy.
Promote Pet bottles, can, magazines recycling.
Reduce using paper cup by bringing one's own cup.
Fujikura Ltd.
Kyusyu Branch Office
Anti-Global Warming Measures Turn off all unnecessary lights for energy saving.
Waste Reduction Reduce paper consumption by using recycle paper.
Fujikura Ltd.
Hiroshima Harnes Center
Anti-Global Warming Measures Turn off unnecessary lights and clean up lightings.
Turn off all the lights during lunch time.
Energy saving by Measure Temperature and manual control for heating system.
Waste Reduction Reduce copy machine printing by date control.
"Use refill bags for coffee and detergent, replace highlighter cartridge and correction tape cartridge to achieve zero emission.
Perfect recycle by placing the waste separate bins which explain 'HOW TO' for waste separate collection.
Using eco bag for shopping.
Fujikura Ltd.
Toyota Harnes Center
Anti-Global Warming Measures Implementation of "Warm Biz" and "Cool Biz" to save energy in office buildings.
Participating the "Turning off lights " campaign.
Continue using Eco pass environmental management system.
Waste Reduction Utilize waste separate collection by sorting Pet bottles, Can, Bottles, and burnable & unburnable refuse.
Fujikura Ltd.
Ota Harnes Center
Anti-Global Warming Measures Take out some of the fluorescent lights, Turn on only necessary lighting, Turn off lighting day time when it's fine day to promote energy saving.
Waste Reduction Reduce paper consumption by minimize printing size.
Recycle electric wire which was tested on the test car use.
Nishi Nippon Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Installing " Green Curtains" by Ryukyu morning glory and Bitter gourd at Telecommunication inspection office.
Change the working schedule and co-operate with electric company for electric consumption during summer time and winter time.
Participating the "Turning off Lights" campaign.(Cool Earth Day, Summer solstice and Star Festival light down campaign)
Waste Reduction Install IC card for copy machine to control unnecessary copy.
Promoting reduce landfill wastes to achieve zero emission (zero landfill)FY2015.
Place 10 kinds of separate Garbage Bin for enforce waste separation, recycling and collecting valuables
Promote bringing one's own cup.
Global Environment Protection Use rycle paper.
Fujikura Components Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Promote energy saving action at Sakura and Ishioka works.
Promote Cool Biz in Summer.
Participating the "Turning off lights " campaign.
Install heat-blocking and heat-insulating coating as well as sprinkle water over to the roof to improve the work environment.
Waste Reduction Reduce copy paper consumption.( Color copy, miss printing, use both sides of paper, paperless meeting)
Achieve zero emission FY 2012
To enforce recycling by Utilizing waste separate collection.
My cup campaign bring to stop using paper cup
Global Environment Protection Distributing CSR World by E-mail to all manager as well as posting CSR World to the information board for promoting.
Fujikurakaihatu Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Installing "Green Curtains" at Center Plaza and Garden Court at Fukagawa Gatharia.
Set to 28 Degrees in summer and 20 degrees in winter air condition and control turn off unnecessary lights for energy saving.
ライParticipating the "Turning off lights " campaign. Co-operate with tenant at Fukagawa Gatharia and leave the office at usual time.
Waste Reduction Reduce copy paper consumption, reduce color copy, and reduce miss-printing by eliminate waste activity in the office.
Enforce waste separation, reduce cost of disposal and recycle papers.
Promote recycling by use waste separation bin with picture.
Clean up cabinet every 3 month and surplus inventory items for recycle.
Tohoku Fujikura Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Installing "Bitter Gourd Green Curtains", Green Curtains and Opening the windows and using electric fun for save energy.
Saving energy by control usage of air condition as well as other electronic devices.
Open the window at daytime and use electric fun.
Take out some lightings and turn off all unnecessary lights for energy saving.
Set control timer to keep warm for electric pot only for break time, and control cooling time for vending machine.
Participating the "Turning off lights " campaign and leave office.
Waste Reduction Recycle paper which used in the production line, recycle paper, reduce miss copy , hold paperless conference.
Since April recycle the industrial wastes, and re-use the incinerated ash which total amount was 7714kg in FY2012 without landfill.
Utilize waste separate collection for recycle by sorting scrap-metal, scrap-platinum, scrap-copper, scrap-solder, scrap-aluminum, used corrugated fiberboard, used paper and beverages bottle caps.
Kyoei High Opt Co., Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Installing "Green Curtains" at some area at plant and smoking area.
Install double structure construction for rooftop of the factory which are a method of preventing rain from leaking and to suppress a temperature rise inside factory.
Participating the "Turning off lights " campaign twice a year.
Waste Reduction Promote paperless conference by using projector.
Continuous zero emission by Waste separation and Waste Disposers selection.
Recycling valuable and non-valuable resin scrap.
Bringing own cup at office makes zero using paper cup.
Global Environment Protection Purchase green stationary products which promote environment conservation.
Suzuki Giken Co., Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Replace air condition to energy saving model.
Waste Reduction Improve dairy activity for resource saving.
Accomplish zero landfill.
Promote recycling by waste separation.
Fujikura Precision Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Installing "Green Curtains" Bitter gourd) in front of toilet at East side of plant.
Patrol for energy saving by checking weather turn off the unnecessary lights or not as well as preset room temperature as 26 degree.
Fujikura Shoji Co., Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Turn off all unnecessary lights and set yearly energy saving target and control monthly basis.
Participating the "Turning off lights" campaign.
Waste Reduction Use both sides of a paper and paperless meeting for resource conservation.
Stop using own rubbish bin, to replace to be 1 public rubbish bin for area for reduce waste and recycling the file folders.
Reduce wastes and recycling papers by use waste separation bin.
My cup campaign bring to stop using paper cup
Numazu Copper Refining and Rolling Co., Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Install reed screen at west of office building.
Turn off all lights when leave office or leave table.
Turn off all the lights during lunch time.
Planting memorial tree for celebrating SCR 4000th SHAFT FURNACE and planting seedling flower at flowerbed in front of Office center building.
Collecting Eco-caps and 44kg CO2 emission.
Waste Reduction Reduce 1500 papers per year by re-use miss-copy paper.
Recycle all waste item such as waste plastic, wood scrap, and waste oil etc.
Collecting 14kg (5600pcs.)Eco-caps.
Fuji Koei Co., Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Turn off unnecessary lights when leave table.
Waste Reduction Promote reduce paper consumption.
Promote recycling by use waste separation bin.
Musashi Wire Co., Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Installing "Green Curtains" by planting bitter gourd with net .
Set the air condition at 28 degree for summer time and 19 degree for winter time, turn off unnecessary lights.
Participating the "Turning off lights " campaign and all employees leave the office at usual time before campaign starts.
Sprinkling water with a sprinkler over the rooftop of the factory to efficiently cool down the office by utilizing vaporization heat.
Waste Reduction Reduce paper consumption by using projector at paperless meeting and reduce paper consumption in the office by browsing electronics file on the web.
Separate Industrial wastes and sell to recycle company.
Recycle corrugated paper and used paper.
Stop using disposable wooden chopsticks but using own chopstick at lunch time.
Fujiden Inc. Wire & Cable Anti-Global Warming Measures Turn off all unnecessary lights, install LED lighting, and set air condition temperature for promote energy saving.
Waste Reduction Reduce paper consumptions by Paperless conference with projector, electronics FAX system, and use both sides of paper for recycling.
Setting up PET bottle cap collection boxes and promoting collections.
Recommended to use eco bottle and my cup.
Priority purchase Green Products.
Global Environment Protection Use planted trees copy paper.
SYSCOM Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Use insulation paint to rooftop of head office for neighborhood.
Turn off all unnecessary lights for energy saving. Replace the 120 lights in the 1st Floor with LED lights.
Install the demand monitoring device for reduce peak electric consumption in summer, if exceeding the limit switches over to a private generator.
Waste Reduction Reduce paper consumption and promote paperless conference by re-use recycle paper, place projector and screen in the meeting room.
Zero Emission, zero landfill waste.
Place waste separation bin for promote recycling.
FiberTech Co., Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Implementation of "Warm Biz" and "Cool Biz" to save energy in office buildings.
Turn off lights when not in use restroom.
Room Temperature air condition control by company.
Waste Reduction Reduce paper consumption by promoting paperless conference.
Aomori Fujikura Kanaya Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Participating in the 'light down 2013' campaign and turn off the light at 1900 in the factory.
Waste Reduction Promote paperless conference by disclosing documents. Reduce by 42% paper consumption compared with FY2010.
Reuse Wooden palette and reduce waste.
Inventory the wastes by division as well as strict waste separation to promote percentage of participants for recycling.
Fujikura Automotive Asia Ltd.
Yonezawa Electric Wire Co., Ltd.
Anti-Global Warming Measures Installing bitter gourd "Green Curtains" at Head office as well as Shading certain and Sudare at head office and Hachimanbara Office.
Control demand, adjust temperature for air condition and time limitation.
Turn off all unnecessary lights and take out some lights for energy saving.
Implement PC screen energy saving program and turn off the monitor when leaving desk.
Using electric fun, round fun and folding fun instead of using air-condition.
An energy-saving summer campaign called "Cool Biz" began on Jun. 1till October 31.
Waste Reduction Use both sides of a paper and promote paperless meeting.
Set specific target and promote environmental ISO Quality improvement (No defect) lead to energy conservation to reduce waste.
The waste generated in production will be separated and collected valuables for promote waste landfill reduction.
Place paper waste separation bin for promote recycling.
DDK Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Installing "Green Curtain " at Factory 1 and Factory 2.
Implementation of "Warm Biz" and "Cool Biz" to save energy in office buildings.
Install canopy switches to promote energy saving.
Contribute reduce electric power consumption by changing company holiday to co-operate with Tokyo electric power company.
Participating the "Turning off Lights" campaign.(Cool Earth Day, Summer solstice and Star Festival light down campaign)
Distributing morning glory & bitter gourd seeds for "Green Curtains"
Abolish heavy oil A.(Expecting to abolish end of 2015)
Waste Reduction Reduce copy paper consumption.
Reduce landfill waste by 1% as target, but achieve zero emission by actual result of 0.92%.
Promote recycling by waste separate collection.
Bring own cup, mug, or bottle.
Global Environment Protection Distributing CSR World by E-mail to all as well as posting CSR World to the information board for promoting.
Fujikura Engineering Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Turn off all lights and PC during lunch time.
Saving the air condition expense to implement cool biz & warm biz.
Participating the "Turning off lights " campaign. (Cool Earth Day, and Star Festival)
Waste Reduction Reduce paper consumption by posting monthly purchasing volume of copy papers, and install IC card multi-function printer for managing paper consumption individually.
Waste separation patrol for reduce waste landfilling.
Promote recycling by use waste separation bin.
Fuji Materials Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Installing Ryukyu morning glory "Green Curtains" at head office.
Planting area is covered with rubber sheet and wooden chips for suppressing the growth of weeds.
Waste Reduction Promote paperless by control purchasing papers in each factory.
Regeneration and recycle the polyethylene resin and (poly) vinyl chloride from Electric wire wastes.
Fujikura Business Support Co., Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Turn off all unnecessary lights for energy saving.
Implementation of "Warm Biz" and "Cool Biz" to save energy in office buildings.
Participating the "Turning off lights " campaign and turn off all lights in the office.
Waste Reduction Reduce color copy and miss-print and reduce paper usage by paperless meeting.
Promote zero emission for zero landfill wastes.
Promote recycling by use waste separation bin.
Holding a internal campaign to bring eco-bottle.
Fujikura Transportation Co.,Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Turn off all unnecessary lights for energy saving.
Install vinyl curtain on window for shutting down the cool and warm air.
Control the maximum load of power supply by demand controller.
Install the fun at air blow off port by circulation the cool and warm air.
Participating the "Turning off lights" campaign.
Waste Reduction Reduce paper consumption by promoting paperless conference.
Promote recycling by waste separated collection.
Fujikura Electronics (Thailand) Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Use inverter for cooling water pump to promote energy saving.
Turn off all unnecessary lights for energy saving.
Waste Reduction Reduce water usage of restroom and staff canteen.
DDK ( Thailand ) Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Promote reduce HCFC refrigerant.(kind of CFC)
Promote energy saving by reducing energy expense.
Promote energy saving to turn off lights during lunch time.
Apply Water recycling system at DDK2.
Waste Reduction Promoting reduce waste activity.
Promote recycling plastic materials.
Global Environment Protection Participate in constructing Chack dam with small valley at Prachan National Park for natural environmental conservation.
Fujikura (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Indicate to set air condition thermo to 26 degree.
Fujukura Federal Cables Sdn.Bhd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Turn off all unnecessary lights for energy saving.
Planting many flowers and trees in the area of factory.
Fujikura Asia Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Reduce energy consumption by turning off PC, printer and any other electric devices.
Reduce energy consumption by turning off all lights during lunch time and after work.
Waste Reduction Separate and collect used paper and used corrugated fiberboard at store room will be collected by recycle agents.
Global Environment Protection gain [acquire] ISO14001 certification, our principles is to Reduce , Re-use and Recycle.
Fujikura Hong Kong Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Turn off air-condition and lights at area not in use for energy saving.
Waste Reduction Re-use both sides of paper for internal documents.

Fujikura Electronics Shanghai Ltd.
Anti-Global Warming Measures Re-considering usage of air condition at office.
Participating the "Turning off lights " campaign.
Recycling Cleaning paper for Handa printing machine for at Electronic components mounting line to clean up floor and tables.
Waste Reduction Reducing paper consumption internal operation at QA.
Reduce Waste paper by using both sides of a paper for printing, copying, writing and drawing.
Promote recycling by use waste separation bin.
Fujikura Hengtong Aerial Cable System Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Turn off all unnecessary lights for energy saving.
Replace lighting in the factory for energy saving.
Waste Reduction Paperless conference, reduce paper cups, and reduce color printing.
Fujikura Zhuhai Co., Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Setting room temperature at 26 degree at factory and office.
Turn off air-condition, water heater and PC when leave office.
Facility is patrolled 7 times a day and report any problems once a week.
Utilize heat pump system for kitchen and increase energy saving by 30%.
Update and remodeling air-condition in the plant and achieve 30% saving energy.
Reduced 40% electricity consumption by switching to 300 LED lighting.
Planting trees and lawn grasses around factory.
Waste Reduction Raising Public Awareness for recycle , re-use both sided of paper, paperless.
Re use the wooden tray and reduce approximately 12t Wastes.
Shereddaring the used paper and re-use for paper foaming cushioning sheet to reduce 500kg paper consumptions.
Fujikura (China) Co., Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Assign the person in charge to turn off the light during lunch time. 50mins turn off lights per day.
Waste Reduction Set black and white copy as well as prohibit color copy except special documents.
Energy saving by Measure Temperature and manual control for heating system.
Fujikura Korea Automotive Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Turn off all lights during lunch time.
Waste Reduction Stop using paper cup and use own cup.
Utilize waste separation bin for recycle.
America Fujikura Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Set the energy saving target every year.
Install motion sensor for room which not in use.
'Take Root Program' with the goal of planting 12000 trees by 2015, we achieved 3000 tree planting in 2012.
Waste Reduction Measurement of landfill waste.
Recycling 85% of waste.
Promote bringing own cup for ecology.
クRecycling the expendable office supplies such as clip, toner container for copy machine.
All manufacturing plants continue gain ISO 14001 certification.
Fujikura America, Inc. Anti-Global Warming Measures Promote saving energy activity by turning off unnecessary lights at meeting room and control the air condition temperature.
Participating the "Turning off lights" campaign.
Waste Reduction Reduce printing, reduce copy paper, and re-use both sides of papers.
Place Recycling box for recycle promotion.
Fujikura Automotive America LLC. Anti-Global Warming Measures Control air condition system after working hours.
Turn off all unnecessary lights for energy saving.
Waste Reduction Black and White copy for standard, color copy for only client presentation.

Separate unnecessary wire harness samples for recycling every year by all employees.
マPromoting "bring your own cup" campaign.
Fujikura Automotive Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. Anti-Global Warming Measures The building utilize natural energy with using acrylic board which can use natural sun light during day time.
必Energy saving training for employs to turn off lights and install motion sensors for outside lamps.
Planting trees to Conservation plants and Improvement of environment.
Waste Reduction Sold industrial wastes for recycle.
Recycle materials and packing collection boxes in a production process.
Request client to use collection box at FC package.
Global Environment Protection Inviting the participants for environmental conservation promotion activity which focus on educates environmental conservation program.
Reclycle treated sewage water for watering the plants and cleaning collecting shipping item boxes.
Collect used batteries which used at home from employee, and give them to re-cycle company for environmental conservation.
Environmental Education Environmental conservation training in new comer training and HR development training.
Fujikura Europe Ltd. Anti-Global Warming Measures Using radiator and air conditioner at the same time.
The last person who leave office make sure to turn off all lighting.
Waste Reduction Promote printing only if necessary as well as use both sides of paper for printing.
Recycle paper and electric devise.
Fujikura Automotive Europe S.A.U. Anti-Global Warming Measures Installing "Green Curtains" to keep out from blistering heat.
Turn off all unnecessary lights for energy saving.