CSR Report (HTML)
In Publishing the Report
Message from the President
Feature Article
Organizational Governance・Fair Operating Practices
The Environment
Consumer Issues・Human Rights and Labour Practices
Community Involvement and Development
Third-Party Opinion/Response to the Third-Party Opinion
Data Collection


CSR Report

Fujikura Group CSR Report 2012
[ISO 26000 Core Subject] Organizational Governance
CSR Issues
Corporate Philosophy and CSR Initiatives
Corporate Governance
Information Disclosure and Communication
Corporate Profile
Business Performance, Business Summary, and Research and Development in Fiscal 2011

[ISO 26000 Core Subject] Fair Operating Practices
Risk Management
Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
Procurement Activities
External Commendations

Fujikura Group Activity Guidelines
Sincere corporate activities
We conduct corporate activities sincerely, complying with all relevant laws and regulations in the various counties and regions we operate in good faith. We conduct ourselves with a sense of ethics and social decency, recognizing ourselves as members of society.
We work on maintaining and improving customer satisfaction by providing useful, safe and high-quality products and solutions from the viewpoint of customers.
We conduct fair and transparent transactions in free and open competition.
We maintain a healthy and normal relationship with politics, governments, citizens and various organizations.
We manage and protect thoroughly information related to the Fujikura Group and its customers.