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Reduction of Atmospheric Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)

VOC is the general term for organic compounds that volatilize or become gas in the atmosphere. They include chemicals like thinners and alcohols widely used in factories. In addition to their effects on human health, VOCs are said to be the causative agents of suspended particulate matter and photochemical oxidants.

Fujikura and its Japan group companies have set goals to reduce atmospheric emissions of VOCs in the Fujikura Group 2025 Environmental Management Activity Guidelines. In FY2022, we aim to improve the emissions intensity (per sales) of major VOCs by at least 2% compared to FY2020 (improvement of at least 1% per year).

VOC emissions at Fujikura and its Japan group companies were 41.1 tons in FY2022 (47.9 tons in FY2020), an improvement of 14%, and the basic unit was 17.4 tons/100 million yen, an improvement of 22% compared to FY2020, achieving our goals.

Annual Atmospheric Major VOC Emissions