Fujikura Ltd.

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Labor Practices

Diversity Management

Basic Principles and Guidelines

The Fujikura group continues to participate in the promotion of diversity actively. We believe the promotion of diversity in business management is vital both to our continued development and in order to continue hiring and stably employing superior personnel.

In formulating and executing the Fujikura group's personnel policies, the new "Group HRM (Human Resources Management) Vision" is required reading for all group human resources managers. "Diversity" is at the core of the Group HRM Vision.

The Fujikura Group's Declaration of Promoting Diversity

Promoting the Success of Women

The creation of a society where women can excel, have confidence, and take action in their lives is one of the most important tasks that Japan and the UN-centered international community face when it comes to measures for creating our future. As members of the United Nations Global Compact, the Company and other companies within the Group are working to create corporate environments where female employees can excel.

Principles and Goals

In an effort to promote the success of women in the workplace, the Fujikura group has set a mid-term vision and goals in our basic diversity philosophy and CSR policy. These are based on international trends with a focus on the UN, and general laws and plans within Japan.

Main Efforts of FY2016

As a dedicated employer of diverse human resources, we are promoting participation in the human resources diversity team's "Diversity Promotion Project." Starting in 2017, we have renamed the existing "Diversity Promotion Project" to the "Work Way Reform Project" and expanded its scope in an effort to create an organizational culture and atmosphere that diverse personnel can hold diverse work styles whole still participating fully. In so doing, we are expanding our focus from surface-level diversity to authentic work style reforms.


In March of 2016, Fujikura composed our "Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement Act Action Plan" in order to create the work environment necessary for full participation by women. Also, on March 24th of 2017, we received the highest level of "Eruboshi" certification (3 stars) for promotion of women's advancement. This certification is granted to businesses by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare under the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace "Eruboshi" certification is awarded to recognize promotion of women's advancement and participation under the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace. Certification is granted in three levels based on how well a company meets 5 accreditation criteria set by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare. Companies that formulate action plans and report on them are evaluated for their efforts and actual results. The Fujikura Group met all of the criteria and was awarded the highest level (3 stars).

*Certification criteria: 1. Employment, 2. continued employment, 3.working style including hours, 4. management ratio, 5. diverse career paths.

Prompted by our "Eruboshi" certification, Fujikura will continue to heighten our efforts to create an organization where diverse personnel can succeed, regardless of gender.

Fujikura Group Female Managerial Ratio (FY2016)

The results of the female managerial ratio of the Group in fiscal 2016 are as follows.

[Fujikura Group]

Percentage of Female Managers (%) 9.4
Female More Than General Manager (%) 13.4
Number of Female Official 29

[Domestic Group Companies Including Fujikura]

Percentage of Female Managers (%) 1.5
Female More Than General Manager (%) 0.9
Number of Female Official 0

[Overseas Group Companies]

Percentage of Female Managers (%) 17.4
Female More Than General Manager (%) 18.3
Number of Female Official 29

[Breakdown of Overseas Group Companies by Region]

America Asia EU and others
Percentage of Female Managers (%) 35.3 6.7 17.4
Female More Than General Manager (%) 19.1 18.5 16.1
Number of Female Official 3 23 3
Aggregation Condition Point of Inquiry As of the end of March 2016
Target Company 55 major group companies including Fujikura
(Fujikura, 24 domestic group companies, 30 overseas group companies)
Cover Rate 99%

Measures Implemented by the United Nations and Japan

The Fujikura Group, as a global corporate entity, has been fostering measures to help women display more of their abilities in line with the international trend and specifically based on the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women and the Women's Empowerment Principles announced by the United Nations. For such measures, we also refer to the Basic Act for Gender Equal Society of Japan, the Basic Plan for Gender Equality, the Third Basic Plan for Gender Equality, and other statements made by the Cabinet Office of Japan, while giving consideration to recent movements in the EU.

the RiKoChal Science and Engineering Challenge project

Initiative to Ricochare

the RiKoChal Science and Engineering Challenge project

the RiKoChal Science and Engineering Challenge project

Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and Our Company’s Initiatives

Our Group aims to promote employee vibrance and corporate growth through work on gender equality and female empowerment as set out in UN’s Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs*), treating these as CSR issues. As specific benefits, we can expect to enjoy improvements in employee satisfaction and productivity, a better understanding of our own level of initiative when compared to other companies, and share examples of good practices.

  • *WEPs(Women's Empowerment Principles)
    The 7 Principles were created in March 2010 as a cooperative effort between the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the United Nations Development Fund for Women (presently, UN Women). “Empowerment” is a term from sociology that refers to providing hopes and dreams and encourages themselves. It is able to bring out the vigor that is within us.

Women's Empowerment Principles

Employment of People with Disabilities

Policies and Targets

From the viewpoint of realizing social responsibility and normalization (engaging in mutual assistance with disabled and elderly people), we are actively engaged in employing people with disabilities and improving their working environments. Our aim is to achieve a statutory employment rate of 2%, realizing normalization* and our social responsibility by promoting improvements in working environment throughout for people with disabilities the entire Group.

  • *Normalization
    Normalization refers to improving the social environment and welfare so that people with disabilities and the elderly can live on an equal footing in society. The concept originated from the activities conducted by Bank-Mikkelsen (Denmark) and others in the 1950s to improve facilities for people with intellectual disabilities. Normalization contributes to changing the social environment and enabling people with disabilities to lead ordinary lives in local communities. The concept began to be widely known after the United Nations proclaimed 1981 as the International Year of Disabled Persons, and it now represents the basic principle for social welfare.


Major Initiatives FY2016

Plans Activities record
1. Stable operation and expansion of the special subsidiary 'Fujikura Cube'
2. Compliance with statutory employment rate
Expanding business to the activities of five companies including a specified subsidiary and three affiliated companies, Group 2.05%, Fujikura 2.0%

[Employment Ratios for People with Disabilities]

End of FY2012 End of FY2013 End of FY2014 End of FY2015 End of FY2016
1.9% 1.85% 1.97% 2.0% 2.0%
1. Stable operation and expansion of the special subsidiary 'Fujikura Cube'
2. Compliance with statutory employment rate
Support System Contents of the System
-Special hospital leave system
-Enrichment of facilities
-Sports competition employee support system
-Regular outpatient support for people with disabilities (6 days a year)
-Toilets for people with disabilities / Parking lots / Telephone for hearing aids / Installation of rest rooms
-Support employees who do sports competitions for people with disabilities

Elevator for people with disabilities (Sakura Works)

Elevator for people with disabilities (Sakura Works)

Parking for the disabled of headquarter

Parking for the disabled of headquarter

Special Subsidiary "Fujikura Cube" Activity Status

According to our basic diversity philosophy, which states that "diverse human resources can all utilize their strengths by actively embracing one another's individuality; doing so cultivates an organization atmosphere in which everyone can perform at their best," and as an aspect of our CSR activities, we actively seek to employ people with disabilities. As such, we founded Fujikura Cube Co., Ltd. in our Sakura office on November 2nd, 2015. Fujikura Cube is a wholly owned and capitalized subsidiary of Fujikura, and through it we strive to embody the idea of a company in which everyone can participate.

On April 1st, 2016, Fujikura Cube started business with 10 employees, including 5 disabled employees, with the goal of being recognized as a subsidiary company. The company currently handles tree-planting, cleaning of company houses and dormitories, and inter-company newsletter distribution at the Sakura plant.

On June 1st, 2016, Fujikura and Fujikura Cube Co., Ltd. received written recognition as a "special subsidiary" at the Hello Work Kiba (Koto Ward, Tokyo). In February 2017, the system received group applications from 3 related companies, and including Fujikura, there are now 5 special exception applicant companies.
The company's 5 inaugural employees from 2016 have performed impressively alongside 4 new hires from April 2017, and we hope to see continued growth.

Fujikura Cube hopes to contribute to the employment of people with disabilities by increasing its number of employees to 30 by 2020, expanding the scope of their responsibilities, and improving total group effectiveness.

[Company Overview]

Name Fujikura Cube Ltd.
Location Mutsuzaki 1440, Sakura City, Chiba
Established November 2, 2015
Representative Hiroyuki Mizuno, President and Representative Director
Capital 10 million yen
Shareholder Fujikura Ltd. (100%)
Special Subsidiary Certification Date June 1, 2016
Employees 16 (with disabilities, 9) (as of March 2017)
Business type Greenification, cleaning, clerical support

Flower bed maintenance

Flower bed maintenance

Turf cuting work

Turf cuting work

Bamboo grinding operation

Bamboo grinding operation

  • Based in the Act on the Promotion of the Employment of Disabled Persons of Japan, a special subsidiary is a corporation which has obtained approval from the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare after satisfying certain requirements in regards to the employment of people with disabilities. A special subsidiary allows its number of persons with disabilities to be calculated as the employment portion of the parent company and corporate group for the calculation of the rate of employment of people with disabilities.

Sports Support for Personnel With Disabilities

As Fujikura advances the employment of persons with disabilities, we have begun to encounter new hires who participate in track-and-field in wheelchairs.

Appointment of Foreign Employees

As we continue to advance global management, and as the need rises for human resources management that transcends borders, we currently have more than 50 foreign employees even within Japan. We are currently emphasizing hiring of foreign employees, and gain multiple new members from all over the world each year.

Securing and Culting Human Resources Active Globally (Fujikura)

[Plans and Activities of FY2016]

Plans Activities Record
1.Strengther recruitment publicity -Held large corporate research seminars for students
-Promoted hiring activities abroad (North America, India, Asia)
-Strengthened mid-level hiring
2.Promote talent management throrgh human resource datebade -Started database for skills, goal management, and personnel evaluation
3.Strengther career recruitment -Started employee career counseling
4.Global training -Trained executive candidates at overseas subsidiaries
-Carried out overseas training

[Numer of Foreign Nationals More Than General Manager FY2016]



Foreign Employee (year over year)
Manager 6 (+1)
General Manager 0 (0)
More Than Officer Board Member 1 (±0)
Executive Officer 1 (±0)

[Plans for 2017]

1. Creation of a common personnel platform for the Group
2. Human resource development
 (1) Improvement of retention and motivation among advanced specialist, engineering, and leadership human resources
 (2) Group-wide increase in opportunities for development and promotion
 (3) Appropriate allocation of human resources
 (4) Creation of a common platform to accelerate mobilization
3. Diversity promotion
 (1) Cultivation of a corporate culture that can benefit from the values and perceptions of diversified human resources
 (2) Creation of a working environment that enhances labor productivity
4. Promotion of Group development and talent management through use of the human resources database
5. Full-scale launch of training for executive-level candidates at overseas subsidiaries
6. Hosting HR managers' conferences of overseas subsidiaries

Myanmar Scholarship

We have initiated the "Fujikura Scholarship System" to support education for future science and technology leaders in Myanmar. This scholarship offers financial support to passionate, driven students in need. In February of 2017, we held a scholarship awards ceremony for 20 students from 4 universities in Myanmar and their families, attended by President Ito and Senior VP Takizawa. We also presented their universities with the past 10 years of the "Fujikura Technical Report" as a means of sharing the latest technical information, and began activities for contributing to Myanmar's economic development and human resources training.

Myanmar Scholarship

Myanmar Scholarship