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Responding to Water Risks

According to OECD, with the increases in global human population and economic activity, demand for water is predicted to increase by 55%. With water becoming scarce due to climate change, dangerous conditions are expected. Fujikura has offered our long-term environmental vision, "Minimize Factory Water Use and Manage Waste Water", promoting activities based around the phrases: Don't use. Re-use. Keep it clean.

Water Response Principles

With that long-term environmental vision in mind, the 5th edition of the environmental management principles' goal is for the target domestic companies to reduce water usage output levels by more than 1% from last year. We are also promoting water conservation, re-use, and leak reduction plans.

Water Risk Field and the Group's Business Development

The World Water Access Plan (WWAP) in the 2016 "The United Nations World Water Development Report" used the Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO) database, "AQUASTAT", to analyze the strain of water demand from the net precipitation vs. population in 2014 (=water stress*). While informing about the strain put on a country's demand for water in relation to net precipitation vs. the population, the study promotes even more study into regional deviations and Cross-boundary waters of large nations, and thinking about balancing seasonal supply and demand while considering water stress on the water basin.

The figure is from 2014, but the water risk is rising in areas like Africa, China, India, and Europe. The Fujikura Group has business developments in China, India, and Europe and responses to the water risk will become necessary.

*Water stress: The water necessary per person for agriculture, industry, and energy in a year is 1,700m3. When supply goes below that amount, the condition is called "water stress". When the amount goes below 1,000m3 the condition is "water inadequacy", and when it goes below 500m3, the condition is "absolute water inadequacy".

Water Risk Field and the Group's Business Development

Fujikura Group's overseas base (FY 2016)

Water Risk of Group Bases

In Thailand in 2011, a once-in-50-year flood occurred. The Fujikura Group suffered heavy losses, but learning from that, we are promoting diversification of production bases, installation of water walls, etc. in response.

2016 Efforts

Water Intake Quantity

The total amount of water intake and water sources is displayed in figures 1 and 2.

figures 1: The total amount of water intake

figures 2: water sources

Use Reduction

The amount of water used domestically and overseas was less in fiscal year 2016 than 2015. As for water sources, well water slightly increased and tap water and industrial use water both decreased. Domestic total use was reduced by 1.1% compared to fiscal year 2015.

The Group's Water Intake and Environmental Effects

No outstanding environmental effects were recognized from water intake.

CDP Water Solutions

In fiscal year 2016, the CDP requested solutions regarding water, and answers were given by domestic workplaces. Differing from fiscal year 2015, 2016 saw restructuring of business and inclusion of workplaces not within the normal scope so the use of water increased. In fiscal year 2016, we instructed those businesses and their water use is currently decreasing steadily. In fiscal year 2015, there was a leak of soapy water, but in FY2016 installation of continuous monitoring devices of pH, turbidity, and oil levels in workplaces, including the plant in question, progressed. From now on, Fujikura look to clarify water risks in domestic production bases and gathered data in overseas production bases.