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CSR Integrated Report

Fujikura Group CSR Integrated Report 2016
[ISO 26000 Core Subject] Community Involvement and Development

CSR Activities at Fujikura Plant in Japan

Head Office and Other Sites in the Fukagawa District

Support for Local Film Festival Again This Year

The 9th Koto Cinema Festival was held at Furuichiba Culture Center(Koto-ward, Tokyo), which is located close to Fujikura Headquarters, during three consecutive holidays from January9 to 11. The festival was planned and managed by Koto City Culture and Community Foundation and citizen volunteers of Fukagawa district including Monzennakacho to create a new local culture in hopes of making Fukagawa known for films. Fukagawa is the hometown of a famous film director, Yasujiro Ozu, who sent excellent movies into the world one after another.
We will contribute to the maintenance and development of the local culture through our support for the Koto Cinema Festival from now on, too.

Weekly dispatch of information about the Millennium Woods

On the Fujikura-Kiba Millennium Woods website established as part of the CSR website of Fujikura Ltd., we post a weekly journal to introduce seasonal changes observed in the bio-garden with brief comments and photos.

Annual blood donation activities

As in the previous fiscal year, we cooperated in the blood donation activity conducted by the Japan Red Cross Society with the participation of 65 employees in the Fukagawa district, where the head office is located.

Local contribution activities at Fukagawa Gatharia

Employees of Fujikura Ltd. and Gatharia office tenants jointly conducted a cleanup activity three times on roads near the facilities, with around 20 people participating for about an hour each time.

We prepared the square in Fukagawa Gatharia for use as a venue for the summer festival held by a neighborhood association and also as a resting place for people carrying a portable shrine in the Susaki Shrine festival.

Our company invited about 30 kindergarten children and their guardians to the Biotope "Fujikura-Kiba Millennium Woods" for a potato digging event. The children were able to learn about the wonder of “living things” as well as the role of the “Millennium Woods” Biotope.

FUKAGAWA GATHARIA Concludes Reassurance Agreement with Municipality

FUKAGAWA GATHARIA was created as part of redevelopment project of Fujikura's former Fukagawa plant and has now become an office and shopping complex that attracts many people. FUKAGAWA GATHARIA has concluded a reassurance agreement with Koto Ward on the use of GATHARIA's facility as a temporary evacuation shelter in case of a flood due to Tsunami or other causes. Some part of the facility is opened to the public to temporarily evacuate to safety in case of a disaster.


Plants of Fujikura Ltd. in Japan

CSR activities at the Sakura Works

◆Participation in Sakura Monozukuri Festa 2015

The Sakura works exhibited at Sakura Monozukuri Festa on May 16 and 17, 2015. Sakura Monozukuri Festa is composed of various events, including an industrial fair where local companies in Sakura City display their products and technologies by using panels, samples, and demonstrations; and an exhibition where various agricultural, commercial and other products made by local craftsmen, restaurants, and specialty stores are sold. The Sakura Plant displayed its products as well, including optical fibers, heat pipes, FiberLasers, and superconductive wire materials, and explained the related technologies at the booth in a manner that was enjoyable for both adults and children.

◆Regional Environment Improvement

The “Sakura Industrial Park Liaison Committee”, where the Sakura works serves as the head office, invited member companies to participate in cleaning activities on the road from Sakura Station to the Industrial Park. In 2015, about 70 people from 39 companies participated.

◆"Exciting Children’s Tour" to be held

The Sakura works also held a work place tour for the employees' children, entitled "Children's Exciting Tour" during the summer holidays on August 18th, in the2015 fiscal year. The purpose of the tour is to actually see and feel what is being researched and developed, and to develop an interest in science, and to let them feel that our company’s technology in manufacturing is contributing to society. The children were very happy to hear about the workplace where their parents worked in.

CSR activities at the Suzuka Works

◆Acceptance of interns

As part of its youth education support activities, the Suzuka works accepted two students from a local industrial high school as interns for three days in November 2015. We hope that the students' experience during the three-day internship period will help them to lead more meaningful academic lives and decide on their future careers.

◆Clean-up Volunteer Activities and Traffic Safety Activities

The Suzuka works conducts volunteer cleaning activities during lunch time around the office once a month. This activity has been done for more than 200 times since 1992. Although it is conducted for a short period, it contributes to beautification of the environment of the local community by picking up garbage and removing weeds. Also, in the morning commute time, we provide traffic safety guidance at the entrance of the workplace three to four times a month, rotating the responsibility between the various divisions, and making efforts to prevent traffic accidents, mainly for commuter vehicles.

◆Utilizing the Grounds of the Works, Support Sports for Kids

The baseball field at the Suzuka works is used by employees for their lunchtime health promotion and the office softball team, but is also rented out to the local youth boys’ baseball team as well when it is not being used on holidays. Aside from practice, games are also being held, and many elementary school boys were running cheerfully around the ground chasing after the baseball.

CSR activities at the Numazu Works

◆Cleanup on the local Senbon Beach

On June 5, the Numazu works conducted a cleanup activity at Suruga Bay "Senbon Beach" located near the business office. This activity is carried out at this time every year as one of the environmental activities of the three neighboring companies including our works. The cleaning in the 2015 fiscal year also resulted in collecting a lot of trash such as plastic products, wood scraps, bottles, and cans that were washed up by the waves onto the beach.

CSR activities at the Ishioka Works

◆Support Work of the Disabled by Purchasing Bread

The Ishioka works provides a place for intellectually challenged students to sell breads made by them at a bread making facility operated by “Heartful Village” which is a local disabled support facility. The bread is sold twice a week during lunch time at the employee cafeteria. Bread was sold once a week but from the 2015 fiscal year, was increased to twice a week. Many employees actively purchase the bread as it will help in vocational training for employing intellectually challenged people and secure income towards facility management.

◆Supporting Migration of workers with Disabilities by Entrusting Greening Work on the Premises

The Ishioka works regularly entrusts the pruning work, lawn mowing and weeding of shrubs on the premises to the local intellectually challenged facility "Shirogane-En". We are helping vocational training for employment of intellectually challenged people by entrusting work to these facilities.