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Release from Temporary Suspension of ISO9001 Certification

September 5, 2019

As we reported, Electronics, Automotive & Connector Business Company*1 of Fujikura Ltd. had received a notice of temporary suspension of ISO9001 certification described below from Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd.(LRQA) dated March 19, 2019. We would like to report that we received a notice of release from such temporary suspension of ISO9001 certification from Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd.(LRQA) dated September 5, 2019.
*1 Automotive Business Company as of March 19th, 2019

We sincerely apologize for your concern and inconvenience. We will continue to make every effort to prevent recurrence and further strengthen our quality control systems.


Applicable Standards : ISO9001:2015
Registration Number : ISO9001-0065156-501
Scope of Registration : Electronics, Automotive & Connector Business Company
           Wire Haness, Wire Haness Connector, Flar Resistor