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CSV Strategy Aimed at Achieving SDGs

Initiatives to Achieve the SDGs

What are SDGs?

SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) were adopted at a United Nations summit in September 2015. They consist of 17 major goals and 169 specific targets for achieving those goals.

SDGs Goals

Determining Priority Issues

In the Fujikura Group, we used the SDG Compass to determine priority issues to tackle in initiatives aimed at achieving the SDGs. We followed three steps to determine these priority issues, and selected six issues.

Five Steps of SDG Compass

Five Steps of SDG Compass

Six SDG Targets Fujikura is Working Toward

Six SDG Targets Fujikura is Working Toward

Steps to Determine Priority Issues

(1) Organize the relationships of the 17 goals specified in the SDGs to the four focus areas (issues of materiality) outlined in the Fujikura Group CSR Basic Principles and CSR Priority Measures 2020 in matrix form.

the relationships of the 17 goals specified in the SDGs to the four focus areas

(2) Analyze the materiality matrix and explore the two perspective of what concerns stakeholders and the degree of impact on Fujikura’s business for each of the 17 SDGs.

the materiality matrix

(3) Analyze the SDGs by mapping them across the supply chain.

SDGs mapping across the supply chain

Solving Social Challenges Through Business Activities (CSV)

Fujikura is pursuing CSV (creating shared value) to achieve profit growth for the company itself and to contribute to achieving the SDGs. CSV is defined as activities that a company engages in through its core businesses to add value to society (solving social challenges) and provide economic value (profit). While the Fujikura Group has always engaged in business activities aimed at solving social challenges, we proclaimed 2017 as the inaugural year of CSV in the Fujikura Group, the year in which we began to seriously consider CSV.

SDGs Promotion Activities

In-house education
-Post SDGs logos related to in-house blog articles introducing CSR activities
-Hold discussions for promoting the SDGs by job rank, including for newly hired employees
-Raise awareness about solving social issues by posting the SDGs logos relevant to Fujikura products
-Globally roll out understanding and initiatives for the SDGs through the company newsletter and other PR tools-Post SDGs logos related to in-house blog articles introducing CSR activities
-Hold discussions for promoting the SDGs by job rank, including for newly hired employees
-Raise awareness about solving social issues by posting the SDGs logos relevant to Fujikura products
-Globally roll out understanding and initiatives for the SDGs through the company newsletter and other PR tools

External dissemination
-Post SDGs logos relevant to technology newsletter published regularly
-Actively disclose initiatives in the integrated report and on the CSR website-Post SDGs logos relevant to technology newsletter published regularly

SDGs discussion for newly hired employees

Discussion on SDGs penetration at CSR Working Committee

Post SDGs relevant to each article of the in-house CSR blog

Mapping SDG Relevance Across the Value Chain and CSV Strategy

Mapping SDG Relevance Across the Value Chain and CSV Strategy