Fujikura Ltd.




The Fujikura Group's Declaration of Promoting Diversity

The Fujikura Group's Declaration of Promoting Diversity (Established on December 2016)

Promoting the Success of Women

Principles and Goals

In an effort to promote the success of women in the workplace, the Fujikura group has set a mid-term vision for fiscal 2020 and goals in our basic diversity philosophy and CSR policy. These are based on international trends with a focus on the UN, and general laws and basic plans within Japan.

Promoting a Work Style Reform Project

As a dedicated employer of diverse human resources, we are promoting participation in the diversity team's (Human Resources Department) Diversity Promotion Project (launched in April 2016). Starting in 2017, we renamed this project as the Work Style Reform Project and expanded its scope in an effort to create an organizational culture and atmosphere where a diverse workforce can have diverse work styles while still participating fully. In so doing, we are expanding our focus from surface-level diversity to authentic work style reforms.

Renewal of Eruboshi Certification

Eruboshi certification is presented by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare to companies with an excellent track record in women’s empowerment selected from those companies that formulate and submit a Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement Act Action Plan in order to create the work environment necessary for full participation by women. Certification is granted in three levels based on how well a company meets 5 accreditation criteria set by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. Companies that formulate action plans and report on them are evaluated for their efforts and actual results. Fujikura met all of the criteria and was awarded the highest level (3 stars).

*Certification criteria: (1) Recruitment; (2) Sustained employment; (3) Different approaches to working hours; (4) Ratio of managers; and (5) Multiple career tracks

Eruboshi Certification

Employment of People with Disabilities

From the viewpoint of realizing social responsibility and normalization (engaging in mutual assistance with disabled and seniors), we actively employ people with disabilities and strive to improve their working environments. Our aim is to not only achieve the new tentative statutory employment rate of 2.3%, but also realize normalization (people with disabilities and seniors helping one another) and our social responsibility by promoting improvements in working environment for people with disabilities across the entire Group.

Targets (FY2020 Mid-term)

Major Initiatives FY2017

Plans and Activities during FY2017

FY2017 Plan FY2017 Activity Results FY2018 Plan
1. Stable operation and expansion of the special subsidiary 'Fujikura Cube' Expanded business to the activities of 8 companies including specified subsidiaries and 6 affiliated companies 1. Stable operation and expansion of the special subsidiary 'Fujikura Cube' (expand into Group special subsidiary)
2. Compliance with statutory employment rate Group 2.12%, Fujikura 2.03% 2. Compliance with statutory employment rate (increase to 2.3% in the future)

People with Disabilities (statutory employment rate 2.2%: as of April 1, 2018)

End of FY2014 End of FY2015 End of FY2016 End of FY2017 April 2018
1.97% 2.0% 2.0% 2.12% 2.35%
*Applied to entire Group from fiscal 2016

Support System for People with Disabilities (Fujikura)

Support System Contents
-Special hospital leave system -Regular outpatient support for people with disabilities (6 days a year)
-Improvement of facilities -Toilets for people with disabilities / Parking lots / Telephone for hearing aids / Setting up of lounge rooms
-Sports competition employee support system -Support employees involved in sports competitions for people with disabilities

Special Subsidiary "Fujikura Cube" Activities

According to our basic diversity philosophy, which states that diverse human resources can all utilize their strengths by actively embracing one another's individuality; doing so cultivates an organization atmosphere in which everyone can perform at their best, we actively seek to employ people with disabilities. As such, we founded Fujikura Cube Ltd. inside our Sakura Works on November 2, 2015. Fujikura Cube is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fujikura, and through it we strive to embody the idea of a company in which everyone can participate. We are committed to complying with the increases in statutory employment rate under the national government’s policies aimed at realizing a society of coexistence where people with disabilities can live and work as a member of their own communities.

As of April 1, 2016, Fujikura Cube has 15 employees. The company currently handles tree-planting, cleaning of company houses and dormitories, and inter-company newsletter distribution. Fujikura Cube hopes to contribute to the regional employment of people with disabilities by increasing its number of employees to 30 by 2020, expanding the scope of their responsibilities, and improving total group effectiveness.

  • A special subsidiary is an incorporated company approved by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare that satisfies certain conditions for the employment of persons with disabilities, pursuant to the provisions of the Act for Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities. The number of persons with disabilities employed by a special subsidiary can be used for the purposes of calculating the statutory employment rate of persons with disabilities for the parent company and the parent company’s corporate group.

"Fujikura Cube" Image1

"Fujikura Cube" Image2

"Fujikura Cube" Image3

Sports Support for Personnel with Disabilities

As Fujikura advances the employment of persons with disabilities, we have begun to encounter new hires who participate in track-and-field in wheelchairs.

Appointment of Foreign Employees

As we continue to advance global management, and as the need arises for human resources management that transcends borders, we currently have more than 60 foreign employees even within Japan. We are currently emphasizing hiring of foreign employees and gain several new members from all over the world each year.

In fiscal 2017, we hired five foreign nationals after promoting recruitment activities locally in India and China, in addition to the recruitment of international students.

FY2017 Plans and Activities Record

FY2017 Plan FY2017 Activity Results
1. Creation of a common personnel platform for the Group Completed the introduction of a new human resources system at the Fujikura headquarters in April 2017; this same system was rolled out at main Group companies in Japan in April 2018
Efforts were also launched to roll out the same approaches subsequently at overseas Group companies as well
2. Human resource development
 (1) Improvement of retention and motivation among advanced specialist, engineering, and leadership human resources
 (2) Group-wide increase in opportunities for development and promotion
 (3) Appropriate allocation of human resources
 (4) Creation of a common platform to accelerate mobilization
With regard to (1), role evaluations of advanced specialists, mainly engineers, were created for each business department and activities were rolled out to further advance these efforts
With regard to (4), it is now easier for companies that rolled out this system to mutually exchange personnel. In addition, the Career Challenge System was officially created and open recruitment was carried out inside the company. Looking ahead, consideration will be given to rolling this system out at companies introducing the new system.
3. Diversity promotion
 (1) Cultivation of a corporate culture that can benefit from the values and perceptions of diversified human resources
 (2) Creation of a working environment that enhances labor productivity

Implemented various measures

4. Promotion of Group development and talent management through use of the human resources database Achieved stable operation of the talent management system following the transition to the new system and began introducing the new system steadily at other Group companies
5. Full-scale launch of training for executive-level candidates at overseas subsidiaries Held training 3 times in fiscal 2017 reaching a total of 38 participants
6. Hosting HR managers' conferences of overseas subsidiaries

Held meetings of HR managers mainly from Group companies in the ASEAN region to introduce the common personnel platform for the Group and kick-off activities to roll it out in the future

FY2018 Plans

FY2018 Plan
1. Conduct recruitment activities overseas (North America, India, China, South Korea)
2. Promotion of scholarship system for supporting future science and technology leaders in Myanmar.
3. Roll out of a common personnel platform for the Group
4. Human resource development
 (1) Improvement of retention and motivation among advanced specialist, engineering, and leadership human resources
 (2) Group-wide increase in opportunities for development and promotion
 (3) Appropriate allocation of human resources
 (4) Creation of a common platform to accelerate mobilization
5. Promotion of Group development and talent management through use of the human resources database
6. Expansion of training for executive-level candidates at overseas subsidiaries
7. Regular hosting of HR managers' conferences of overseas subsidiaries